To top off the security of Proton Mail it great to be able to generate email aliases.
This would allow Proton Mail users to log in to each website/service online with a different email address.
This would increase online anonymity and reduce the chance of a Proton Mail user getting hacked.
Detailed Description:
When a user wants a new alias they click 'new alias' and a new email is generated that always forwards to the user's main email.
Then a user can label that email so they can keep track of what it is used for.
ex. Facebook
Then when they sign up to Facebook, they use that email address, but they receive the message in their normal inbox. If they reply to that sender, it replies using the alias.
When you compose a new message you can select which alias to send from.
If you send to an address where an alias was previously used, it defaults to that alias.
From an outsiders perspective they only interact with the alias.
Protonmail now has the ability to add aliases through the use of “+” in your main ProtonMail account, as well as through creating new email aliases under one account.
Anonymous commented
Problem is that if you don't store login/password in your browser like I do, you will never ever remember that kind of address (and typing it whenever you want to connect is a pain in the a**):
1b1f6253-a280-43e2-95e2-043e82dae3e7@protonmail.comUsing the + type alias in protonmail is good for filtering but it doesn't make anything more anonymous if your protonmail account shows your identity. James.Bond+whatever still tells people you're James Bond.
Spamgourmet provides (as many different) email addresses (as you want) completely anonymous as regards the sites you're subscribing to and that you can easily remember. I agree about the tracking problem (although I don't believe spamgourmet have the means to store and compute all the emails they reroute). The key is not to use it for unencrypted sensible communications or any activity that is not recorded elsewhere. I mean, why buying data from spamgourmet about someone's activity on Facebook ? Just ask Mark Zuckerberg.
I think all methods have pros and cons. All we have to do is to select the appropriate one when needed.
The best option will be to have protonmail let us have like 5 or 10 aliases and decide what the final addresses look like, such as:
etc.But this would consume lots of disposable addresses.
Laurent commented
Protonmail recently added the possibility to add + type alias (like gmail). So automatically goes to
But this proposal goes further and in terms of connecting dots, it has better security. Using spamgourmet (or similar) is an option only if you don't care that spamgourmet (or similar) reads (or sell/forward to Snowden) your e-mails.
So the option to have something internal to ProtonMail would be better in terms of (lack of) traceability.
Anonymous commented
Maybe this comment will be removed because it might be an advertising for another online service but does exactly what you want. And it does it even better as you can control who can send you emails.
I use it together with my protonmail address and it's just perfect.