Schedule Emails
I have another email service that allows users to schedule draft emails to be sent at a specified date/time in the future. Once the draft is complete, the email is automatically sent at the future specified date/time, unless that draft email is deleted/replaced prior to the send date/time. The draft email can either reside in an existing "draft" folder or a separate "outbox" folder (as distinguished from "draft" that does not have a scheduled send date/time).
Different Emphasis from Similar Postings:
I noticed a number of other similar postings, however, I wanted to provide this new posting to possibly emphasize something more than what I saw emphasized in other similar postings: closely related general delivery options. I would suggest ProtonMail allow every draft email to have a drop down menu that provides the option for selecting "Delivery Timing" using a calendar display for selection of a date and a time field to select/enter a corresponding time on that selected date (time should be clearly set for a selected time zone, e.g., CST or GMT, to reduce possibilities for confusion on timing). Again, whenever "Delivery Timing" options are selected, the draft email can then reside either in the existing "draft" folder or in a newly appearing "Outbox" for any pending emails to be sent at a future date/time. The other email service I use provides a range of closely related general delivery options to also include:
-- "Message Priority" (Low, ******, High);
-- "Private" (to help prevent email forwarding, if clients support that);
-- "Return Receipt" and
-- "Delivery Timing" (previously addressed)
I recommend ProtonMail make these general delivery option menus accessible via one additional icon next to the existing row of icons on draft emails for "Attachments," "Encryption" and "Encryption time." The icon could be a clock next to a letter (just a suggestion), since "Encryption time" already uses a clock icon.
I don't believe other similar postings emphasize these closely associated general delivery Options. I have previously given this other email provider feedback on perfecting their services in other areas (with different providers having different strengths/weaknesses), but this is one particular feature they have had for a very long time that I believe provides an excellent example to follow.

Samia commented
I really need it. I sorely miss this feature and might just be what makes me give up on Proton. Thanks in advance.
Gion Deplazes commented
Please can you add scheduling and recurring emails. Would be brilliant. 😄
pnobulls commented
that would be cool,
Dan Vandersdar commented
Guys seriously. It's been two years and the feature is still not released.
Please keep listening to you customers and deliver the damn thing. Thanks -
Frederik commented
Please take this request down. It has been published before. This is a waste of votes!
Κίτσος Ορφανόπουλος commented
Very useful. Please implement.
Francisco Puga commented
It will be also awesome that the Calendar allows to send the first invitation email at a scheduled time.
Mikeb commented
Send later is an amazing feature for us freelancers too. I often work early morning and it is so helpful to send my replies during business hours. Looking forward to seeing this added to ProtonMail.
Alexis Malec commented
This is the feature I want more than anything. I'm an insomniac, I often end up working on email at absurd hours of the morning - the ability to queue up emails to send out during business hours is huge for me
Mindaugas K commented
This is a very important feature that is the reason why a lot of users still use other platforms.
Jonathan de la garde commented
Please, implement this feature !!
Tig Ribas commented
Would be very useful for Businesses! It's time for ProtonMail to be more business friendly and take time to address these issues with a little bit more attention!
Rosario Antoci commented
Please, just answer us and update on this, it's an important feature for the usability of your services.
The lack of it is really annoying, the fact that you don't update on this it's bad customer experience =( -
Brynn Dstill commented
I also want this feature. It is great to send you after client go to their homes. I have spa business and is there any to integrate this feature on my this website :
Jaque commented
Duplicated content!
Oleg Zvyagintsev commented
Yesterday I'm moved all my addresses to proton mail, paid so much money I never thought I will pay for email services, only to discover today that there's no way to schedule messages... Ouch.
Danielle Miller commented
how has this STILL not been implemented? this is pretty basic, and as others have said, cant fully migrate over if protonmail still doesn't have the basics like email scheduling
DLR commented
Je suis en total accord avec cette proposition. Il m'arrive régulièrement d'écrire des mails en dehors des heures conventionnel, mais j'aimerais que cela puisse arriver sans qu'on sache que j'ai par exemple écrit le mail un dimanche.
Jordan Johnson commented
Thanks for sharing this informative and amazing post here. I found it very interesting and enjoy reading this blog. Will wait for more posts.
Scipio commented
The ability to schedule an email to be sent at a future time is a feature I miss from Gmail and would like to have on proton mail.