Snooze email in web app
Having the ability to snooze and schedule emails would be really great! Thanks for your consideration, these are the only two features I miss from Gmail.

Snoozing an email through the web app is now available!
As always, thank you for your continued feedback!
To follow progress on snoozing from the mobile app, please follow:
Sam Walter commented
I support the idea! Much needed feature
Anonymous commented
Any chance of this happening in the near future? I know it's not in the top 10 of most requested features but it seems a lot easier to implement than most of the popular ones.
A.J. commented
This will make so many people switch the hell away from Google and other privacy unfriendly mailproviders. This should be on the top of the list.
Anonymous commented
Is this ever going to happen? This is the big, gaping hole in protonmail's platform.
Anonymous commented
Another ping. It's about the only thing I really, really miss after switching from gmail.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Ping - This feature request is almost 4 years old now. And it's still labeled as "Under Review".
Any updates?
Anonymous commented
Manil commented
Snooze emails and reminders to temporarily remove them from your inbox until you need them.
Your email or reminder will come back to the top of your inbox when you want it to, whether that's tomorrow, or next week. You can always see your snoozed items under Snoozed in the Menu
See how it works in gmail: -
JM commented
This would be such a useful feature. Some emails are just not worth cluttering your inbox until a future date when you can do something about it.
Anonymous commented
This is one of the most important UI/productivity features that is available on almost all popular e-mail clients: Gmail, Spark, Mailspring, Mailbutler, Newton, etc.
All these clients lack a focus on privacy, which is where ProtonMail comes in.
As many others have said already, happy to pay for this and the main reason for not switching over from Gmail to ProtonMail.
Please implement!
Twilight commented
I'll sleep on it and get back to you!
Michele Possamai commented
This is considered since 2015. It's 2019 and nothing has happened yet. How are these guys expected to be taken serious like this?
max commented
there is a roadmap for ?
S. commented
Google Inbox is being stopped this spring, and the only thing which prevents me from switching to Protonmail is the snooze and reminders features.
Being a Protonmail fan from the first hour (and supporting by paying Protonmail Plus), this would be the killer feature for me ! -
Anonymous commented
GL commented
This is a REALLY helpful feature for "inbox zero." I would happily pay for it, even -
C commented
This feature request is marked by ProtonMail as being considered since 2015.
I don't want to ask for an ETA -- I'm only posting to say that this feature is long overdue... It's little things like this that would make going from, say Gmail to ProtonMail a lot easier. -
Anonymous commented
Throwing my hat in the ring. This feature is one of the few remaining tricks of Gmail that keeps me straddling these two services. I'd like to cut ties with Gmail altogether, so *please* consider this!
Zee R. commented
Switched over from Gmail completely but I definitely miss the snooze feature. This would be a great addition to Protonmail.