App tracking protection like Duck Duck Go for internal Android privacy, coupled with vpn would be next level protection
App Tracking Prevention
DuckDuckGo has this great feature where it essentially runs a VPN but it blocks traffic from android apps from being sent out. So, when data tracking engines and apps(e.g., Google, Adobe, Amplitude, Branch Metrics, or any app) attempt to send personal data from your device, DuckDuckGo blocks it. It also tells you what apps are trying to send info, and to who. Imagine the internal protection coupled with the Vpn external protection this would provide. Unfortunately Duck Duck Go product works as a VPN on phone, and you cant run 2 Vpns simultaneously.
If Proton incorporated the same concept into the VPN then it would be the most effective VPN privacy product on the market!

B commented
Build this, or figure out how we can use Duck Duck Go and Proton VPN simultaneously on anrdroid. Might as well do it for windows and IOS next. Next level!