Proton Drive
967 results found
Allow friends (non Proton users) to upload files to MY drive
Someone wants to share a large file with me in a secure way, but they do not have a Proton Drive account. I want to be able to share a WRITEABLE folder with them so they can deposit files.
5 votes -
Non-Hierarchical Sync of multiple folders
In one of your Swiss rivals, Tresorit, I don't have to create one single "Proton Folder to Sync" but I can define any number of folders on my computer to sync.
I really like that system because I have no desire to let my file-sync provider determine the folder-structure on my computer (no matter if that is Google, Dropbox, Microsoft or Proton). I have my files spread over multiple hard-drives and partitions and want to sync one folder here, another one there, and group it all by topic, not by sync-status.
1 vote -
Provide Granular Permissions for Shared Folder
Ability to share an entire folder and control what the other party can access or view (checkmarks to toggle on an perhaps), and their permissions to edit some files and only view others.
1- Share entire folder while...
2- controlling what is subfolders are shared out of that folder
3- and then of what is shared, control view/edit permissions (most applicable to subfolders as opposed to individual files)1 vote -
I want to host a OneNote notebook on Proton Drive. And is it possible to set up Proton Drive to act like OneDrive? I want to store all my documents online if possible, and OneDrive is not encrypted.
4 votes -
Drive extension for the Brave browser
If we can't have a Proton Drive app that supports MacOS v.12... :-D
...Then we need extensions for privacy-conscious browsers like Brave.2 votes -
Photos Backup Sort by size, cleanup features
I like that Photos backup is a completely separate tab, and that it allows me to substitute my iCloud+ plan. However I would like to have some cleanup features, like sorting by size, duplicates, or anything that doesn't need processing that breaks the privacy.
2 votes -
Tag photos and find objects in photos
Being able to tag (and recognise) objects, persons and animals in photos making google photos obsolete
22 votes -
Please return "password protected read-only" shares that the new feature "Manage user rights on shared files or folders" removed
Since the highly requested "Manage user rights on shared files or folders" was implemented, the option to password-protect read-only shares was removed. The current sharing mechanism requires people to create a Proton account, and it is not always feasible (I work with a group of technologically limited people, most of them will never create a Proton account). The public share link is still there but I need password-protected links for the data I share (copyrights issues, working with a singing group). Thank you!
2 votes -
Select folders in Proton Drive for Windows
Allow users to select which folders to sync in Proton Drive for Windows, similar to the checkboxes shown in the Microsoft OneDrive desktop settings.
For more advanced threat models, the user may choose to enable password and MFA challenges whenever additional folders are selected for download.
These configurations may reduce the number of Proton accounts being created, since secure file compartmentalization will be more feasible within one account.
3 votes -
Dark mode or just let us pick the color of our background
I, as I write this, don't like the flashbang nature of the screen, and it's the biggest thing keeping me not switching to this service for my online "bring with you" writing things, and I like to bring my creativity everywhere, but just a dark mode, or better yet, letting us pick the background color and letter color I would have a field day as I don't even use black background and white letter, I use RGB 31, 31, 0 as my background with RBG 176, 0, 0 as letters, it's a big exaggerated but I got used to it…
2 votes -
Put file editor in Proton Drive
Add the file editor and preview in the proton drive app.
It would be very useful for some of us.
Thanks.1 vote -
Synchronize ProtonDrive Photo folder with photos services like flickr or Google photos, ...
Synchronize ProtonDrive Photo folder with phtoos services like flickr or Google photos, ...
Hi,Loved the new Photos feature in Proton Drive.
Can you add a feature to synchronize with existing photo storage, such as flickr or Google PHotos ?12 votes -
Augmentation capacité stockage Proton Drive a 2000Go et Création Moteur de Recherche Proton Search
Augmentation capacité stockage Proton Drive a 2000Go
Et création d'un moteur de recherche Proton Search1 vote -
Integrate LibreOffice into Docs
Though Docs is an amazing product to add to the ecosystem, it alone cannot stand up to Google's collaborative ecosystem. With the integration of the full suite of LibreOffice and the online collaboration and end-to-end security of Docs, Proton can actually be a true competitor in this space, with the ability to work on documents, spreadsheets, pdf's, diagrams, and more.
2 votes -
Proton Doc Viewer Comments
I would like Viewers of Proton Docs to be able to leave comments without changing anything. I don't want them directly editing everything but also don't want the document locked. It would also be nice if any changes by people other than the doc owner could be visually tracked if they have Editor privileges, like text being highlighted or in another color. I know about 10 writers would would switch to this program if there were adjustments like this.
1 vote -
Mac os account switching or dual account for proton drive
Mac os account switching or dual account for proton drive, so that we can access folder from both our business and personal drives.
1 vote -
Add file/folder sharing options to mac os proton drive app
Ability to share files or folders from the proton drive app on mac os. Also, being able to select all the sharing options on both mac os and mobile ios.
1 vote -
Support multiple accounts in the desktop client (macOS)
I have separate business and family Proton accounts, and I really need to have synced folders for both of them. But Proton Drive for macOS only supports one account at a time.
This really discourages widespread adoption, btw. If I work for, e.g. a consulting company that itself uses Proton, and we have clients that also use Proton, and those clients want to hire us to work in their files through Drive but we're already syncing our own corporate Drive, how would that work? Proton Drive really needs to support syncing with an arbitrary number of accounts/drives.
2 votes -
Proxmox Backup Server to Proton offsite backups.
Not the newest idea in general, as I see a lot of people posting about linux support, but I need a way to quickly and easily backup my servers from my Proxmox Backup Server to an offsite storage. Proton was of course my first choice, but without Linux support, there's not too much I can do to get this working. I would absolutely love to see a command line interface for Linux that would allow backups in the form of syncing the backup server storage to the proton cloud automatically.
With so many people abandoning VMWare in favor of Proxmox,…1 vote -
Shift + Control + C for Word Count in Proton Docs
Similar to Google Docs and Word, let us few the word count for a highlighted piece of text by doing Shift + Control/Command + C.
2 votes
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