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Proton Calendar

389 results found

  1. Full week and month view

    I use and like a full week/month view like for instance in the app acalendar (android). The week view is in two columns and each day has a square. In this square you have all your events for the day.

    It allows to see clearly all appointment for the week/month in full text. Like in an old paper agenda.

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  2. Calendar location maps integration (e.g. Open Street Maps)

    Being able to choose the location field from a map provider, such as OSM, and make the location field link to map provider website / mobile app.

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  3. Calendar API

    I have python code that pulls upcoming assignments from a couple of websites and puts them into my current calendar. This current calendar is google but thanks to you all I am moving away from the ever seeing eye of google. It would be nice to have an API for adding events to my calendar programmatically.

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  4. Show and book available appointments (like Calendly)

    The functionality of Calendly and others similar to it has been a godsend to my business and daily operations. Effectively, my Calendly account is tied to my Google Calendar and allows for users I share my public Calendly link with the opportunity to schedule a preset block of time with me on my public Calendar. This is automattically added to my "private" calendar on Google (lol). The users cannot see any details on my calendar, just the slots that are available to meet with me, whether in person or remote, with options I preselect through a questionaire they fill out.

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  5. Current day Highlight

    There should be visual indicator of current day. I often put dates into wrong week because current and future looks the same

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  6. Shortcut for .ics import

    I have a lot of events that provide an ics file. It's painful to import these at the moment - I have to go to settings (and log in each time), then hit the import button, then select the file.

    Ideally, there would be an "Import event" button under the "New event" button which immediately opens the file dialogue to select a local ics file.

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  7. Keyboard Shortcuts

    Please add keyboard shortcuts for (at minimum):
    - today
    - day, week, month
    - next, previous
    - add new event

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  8. highlight dates with events

    Hi! Your pm calendar is really convenient and it would be more convenient if the dates with filled events would become highlighted with possibility to change color of highlight by type of event.

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  9. Smartwatch app

    Can you make the Calendar app sync to my smartwatch?
    I have a Samsung Galaxy 3 smartwatch. It will sync calendars with the dedicated Samsung Calendar, but I won't use that one. It will also sync with Google calendar but I won't use that either.
    My watch does pretty much everything else so could you also make your app load on Watch 3?
    That would be amazingly great!

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  10. The ability to sync apple calendar (mobile or desktop) to Proton Calendar

    The ability to sync apple calendar (mobile or desktop) to Proton Calendar

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  11. simple jump to date feature

    Simple search box where you could type in a date and the calendar jumps to it

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  12. Import ics on mobile

    Having the Proton Calendar Android app register as a handler for .ics-files and importing them would be a huge productivity boost.

    Right now, I can either import them via the web interface or create them manually, none of which suffice of the go.

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  13. Proton Calendar - Year Overview

    Proton Calendar - Year Overview

    I'll start by saying;
    Thanks & great job finally releasing the Calendar app :)

    My improvement suggestion is to add a year overview in the calendar so one can easily skip from January to December, currently one has to swipe from month to month until you reach the date you are looking for.

    It would be nice to be able to click on the Month & Year at the top or perhaps an icon next to the current calendar icon that takes you to an overview of the current year and from there letting you…

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  14. Support embedding calendar in Notion

    As a ProtonCalendar and Notion user
    I would like to embed my calendar in my notion page
    So that I don't have to duplicate data entry on two systems

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  15. Dynamic Calendar icon - show current date

    I would like the icon for Proton Calender to reflect the date rather than a static icon

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  16. Custom Views

    One of the best features in Google calendar is the ability to create custom views. The three week view was my favorite. Adding custom views in the Proton calendar would be great!

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  17. Mobile app weekly view

    The app only shows little dots in the monthly calendar, but a weekly view is missing. Optimal a weekly view with more verbose information of the appointments.

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  18. Reorder calendars (manual/custom and sortings)

    An ability to rearrange/reorder the calendars.

    It could be a small [A–Z] button with options like Alphabetical, Event count, Recently used, and Custom (which stores the manual sort order). Beside the button, an arrow button to inverse the sort ordering.


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  19. Protoncalendar - Jump to Month/Year

    When traversing large chunks of the Calendar (years), doing it by clicking the arrows on top of the calendar (mini & normal) is cumbersome. It should be made possible to Jump to needed Month/Year.

    At least in one occurrence of the mentioned arrows, it should be possible to click on the displayed Month/Year to enter a combination of Month/year where one would check and edit his calendar.

    As alternative / quick win, traversing the calendar by Year would be already a great improvement. This might be possible if & when the Feature "Year View" Request would be implemented.

    Beside that,…

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  20. Better support for tablets

    I'm using a Galaxy Tab S7 and I love the Samsung calendar app, however would really like to switch to Proton Calendar. However it is just not made to be usable on a tablet. I would like to see:

    • Support for landscape view
    • Formatting choices to enlarge/shrink the week/month view
    • Support for S Pen, iPencil, etc
    • See notes written with S Pen on the tablet when viewing the calendar through the web
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