Print calendar
Add ability to PRINT Protonmail Calendar at various granularities; day, week, month!
Wayne commented
Print Screen does not work very well with either the light or dark theme. Please add a way to print calendar.
Tim Carlson commented
Ability to print day, week, month, year views in Calendar
Lauren Hutson commented
I agree. This calendar isn’t useful to me unless I can print it. Please add this feature. Thank you!
Nonna Mouse commented
Yes, we need the ability to print. Love calendar otherwise.
PM Fan! commented
I could see myself using the Calendar as a secure place to log daily activities (on a separate calendar),especially with the Calendar's clean interface, if I was able to export (ideal) or print (.pdf) the data.
I have another App that can compare my Todo list in a Cal with what I Actually do/input side-by-side (ATracker) but I am partial to ProntonMail due to it's strong focus on Privacy.
If I could export or print calendars it would help me do the comparison.
Also, I like to print out my todo list on paper in calendar format. This is a break from the screen, and essentially serves as another screen.
Looking forward to what's coming up, thanks!
DogH2o commented
Printing the calendar is very important for my workflow. I print out monthly views for the year, staple together and that serves as a hard copy. At a glance and without my computer on I can get a birds eye view of important events. I really like the Proton calendar functionality and look. Great work Proton people!