Nano payment option
Accept Nano as a payment option. Bitcoin transactions fees are now too much, and it may take up to a few hours for a transaction to be confirmed. Unlike BTC there are NO fees for Rai, and transactions are nearly instant!

We plan on adding additional payment options going forward.
Anonymous commented
Heubert River commented
XRB !!
Cesar commented
Current paid protonmail/vpn user. also proud owner of XRB.Would be a GREAT partnership!
Anonymous commented
Raiblocks would be awesome!! Please consider this
Poopie Dichs commented
Pls add as paymint optin.
Anonymous commented
do it!!!
Anonymous commented
Raiblocks lets go!
Anonymous commented
Whoa, this would be awesome. I could pay within the second.
Jay commented
Raiblocks goes with the spirit of Protonmail more than any other coin. And, it is scalable like anything we have seen!
Bilal Inamdar commented
For Nano Payments!
Abdu commented
Xrb the best payment
Johannes commented
XRB please Instant and no fees
Tonny commented
Add XRB please.
Anonymous commented
Xrb for obvious reasons
Marc Lande commented
no fee XRB! :)
jignacio commented
add XRB please
Victor Boldir commented
RaiBlocks (XRB)
Anonymous commented
Indeed....let’s use Rai instead of course
Anonymous commented
Yes please
Ruben commented