Remove dependance on google play services
Protonmail android app is dependent on google play services and that is obviously against privacy and security.
Users who removed/disable google play services or used vanilla "lineageos" without gapps cannot get the mail client work properly.
Google play services collect every possible piece of info about the user; location, body sensors, application usage, and every other possible thing. So telling the use to enable/install google services you compromise his privacy and security by 3rd party app which is clearly against the idea if Protomail.
I hope you can correct this and have no dependence on google at all.

Anonymous commented
Fuck Google! Toss it away!!!
Anonymous commented
They are using Google? So it is no privacy here…
Anonymous commented
Really dumb choice. They shouldn’t use anything from companies like Google. It is evil corporations.
Anonymous commented
Totally agree. It mustn’t be any Google in privacy services.
Alan commented
Yeah. They must get rid of Google.
Nani commented
ProtonMail service is positioned as private and anonymous. But when you click on the contact button, it offers to import from Google evil corporation (screenshots: This action compromises the IP address of the evil corporation. Kindly remove this button from such a visible place or mark it with a sign warning of possible compromise of IP and other data. Also, I believe that any service that cares in any way about user privacy should sever all ties with evil corporation Google. This is not a good move by a company that values privacy and anonymity. Google is a huge hole in privacy and anonymity. Please unbind all of your services from the evil eye of Google's malicious organisation.
In particular, this applies to:
- Removing the malicious notification library from the Android app
- Removal of the Google contacts integration . -
Mioto commented
This is an important feature because relying on Google Play just for notifications is ludicrous and seems to go against the mission of Protonmail. Nevertheless, I am currently using the protonmail and calendar apps on an Android phone without Google services and it works perfectly except that I don't get notifications. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
Dan commented
I really like Protonmail, but this issue is very important. Proton's demographic is much more likely than the average Android user to be avoiding Google. If you guys implemented this, I would instantly upgrade my account to paid.
The fact that this has been talked about for years with no visible progress is concerning. Lots of other open-source apps have GSF-independent notifications; it shouldn't be too hard to take a look at what they're doing if you need some ideas.
Anonymous commented
This is a critical feature.
obibon commented
If google weren't a problem, nobody would need/want protonmail. We could all use gmail. Can't really build a credible alternative that focuses on privacy, yet still depend on google. And why is the app not on f-droid???
Fred commented
Please pm, get totally rid of google, so that notifications are working on de-googled phones. That is still a killer feature, and it makes me considering switching to other mail services…
Fred commented
Protonmail is not properly working with de-googled phones (lineage os f.i.): no notifications.
Relying on google services/drive is a kind of joke about security… -
David commented
Any updates on this? I am already planning to switch to Tutanota once my premium plan runs out and this feature is still not available.
Miguel commented
Any update?? Has been 5 years since this was raised!
R. Taylor commented
I for one do not understand why protonmail which for so long has given us a haven from GOOGLE wants to now use google services for the bridge. In a way we feel that protonmail is turning its back on us who want to be free of google intrustion.
Did protonmail sell us out for more money and is google the reason for these new options like the 'bridge' with other mail services that are NOT as secure? I mean outlook and Gmail are not secure as protonmail is claiming to be.
I feel very disappointed and may as well give up my protonmail account if you are working hand in hand or have sold out to google.
I mean why does GOOGLE have to have EVERY SINGLE DARN THING on the net and we have NO place where we can't keep our data to ourselves?
A lot of protonmail users , not only myself feel betrayed and let down. Protonmail needs to make a statement we can understand. IF you are working with google then that means somehow , someway they are getting our data, there is no working with google where they dont get a piece of the people who are your customers.
Speak up protonmail we deserve to know.
What is even more shameful now is that I cant leave a message like this without even SIGNING IN to google?
PM isn't secure anymore.
M commented
I left Gmail and would like to further on by leaving all Google products. But I still have these obligations to use Google play whenever I want to download your app, or google captcha which doesn't work with VPN (increasingly difficult) - and yet your answer is "Its like this" How do you reconcile your approach to full secured email app to full support to Google (cloud, play, captcha, analytics). And when are you actually following the core changes Google is making in tightening the control over data? It's happening now. Why do I see Facebook and Google as the two primary choices to register for this FAQ?!
Alex commented
Hello, is there any development regarding this topic? I see this as absolutely crucial feature! The solutions to avoid Google Cloud Messaging Service (FCM / GCM) are already there (see below). -
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