Digital Legacy mechanics
Create a Legacy contact with secure mechanics. The Use Case is that any user can designate another as his/her Digital Legacy, so they can take over and manage one's account in the event of passing away.
A possible approach would be to provide a link for the Legacy user to request access to the account - on such event, the owner would have an x amount of days to respond with a "no need - I'm alive and well". If no response was received within the timeframe, the Legacy user would be granted access to the accounts.

Dave commented
Nowadays, people have more digital assets.
Under account settings, create a feature known as Legacy will with the following options:
a) Designate another person or attorney to take over for 30 days to get things sorted.
b) Provide access to only photos, videos and selected documents in proton drive.
c) Provide access to proton pass for 14 days.The feature only becomes active based on conditions like no interaction from last accessed device for over 62 days and no response received to warnings sent in 3, 9 and 27 days.