Support more languages (including right-to-left)
Support More Languages (Including Right-To-Left)

Anonymous commented
I vote for Hebrew.
Lacaca commented
I would be glad helping with the spanish translation!
Man of the Woods commented
Both sites would be valuable options for the Protonmail Team. Maybe a mixed approach? 50% translations from Reddit (Free translations) and 50% from Duolingo (Paid or negotiable terms)
Ana maria commented
Sur le blog de ProtonMail, un article daté du 17/01 annonce (ou rappel) le sujet de traduction de l'interface dans differentes langues:
La participation est communautaire, je connais pas trop les details, mais si cela t'interresse, tu peux tenter d'y participer. -
Anonymous commented
L'interface de Protonmail pourrait être proposée en différentes langues, le français, l'allemand, l'espagnol, le polonais, le russe... Est-ce compliqué à mettre en oeuvre? Ce n'est pas que l'anglais de Protonmail soit difficile, mais cela faciliterait tout de même son utilisation pour des utilisateurs non anglophones (qui ont aussi le droit à la sécurité).
Huluti commented
A feature that need to be on "top" priorities.
Thomas commented
Protonmail is a good service, but I would claim that more people would be willing to switch from their current e-mail provider to a new service like Protonmail, if it would be available in their native language, e.g. German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, etc.
Please try at one point to add more languages to the system.
J. commented
I'd help translate.
Anonymous commented
Right-to-left text direction is a must. Please bump its priority.
Thanks -
Anonymous commented
Things are very hard (in Hebrew) without the ability to change text direction
Philippe commented
a dashboard in other native language. In french it would be useful for people receiving an encrypted email. I suppose it can be a problem for many non english-speakers.
Anonymous commented
In need of native right-to-left (rtl) support, both in incoming email (automatic aligning to the right) and in composing email (right-aligning option, which is available now, isn't enough; we need true right-to-left text direction).
Thank you for your great job.
~: [ru-RU]
enable language for biggest population in European world; & enjoy as Russian man. use safety
До свидания! -
Ana commented
By the way,do you need translators? I think may of us would be glad to contibute translating if we get some premium features in return. Yo could offer a feature for free (an alias, one GB, a custom domain, etc) if the tanslator translates x chains of text, fo instance. I think that you would have your service tanslated to dozens of languages in just few days. Crowdin o Transifex could be good platforms fo this purpose.
Ana commented
This is a very important thing. Many of the people I write encypted message are NOT opening them because the notice they receive is in english and they think is some kind of scam. I have to warn them first and tell them that they are legitimate mails from me. Besides, don't believe that "everybody speaks english" myth. Most people just speak "tourist english" not real english, and even less they understand technical english well.
Secure email must be nomalized, not just a geek's stuff. Common people don't have any contact with english language in their regular lifes (well americans and alike do. I'm talking about mot of the planet's population), except if they travel to some place which hotels, restaurants, etc, don't speak their native languages. For many of them english in emails is the language of scammers and virus senders; and, as I'm disgracefully experiencing, they don't even open the links from PM to see my encrypted mails. -
JOSE commented
Caroline Sigouin commented
Je suis linguiste et je serais ravie de participer à la traduction en français québécois de ProtonMail. :)
Jorge Benitez commented
Please , add Spanish Menu and Options. Thanks
Petr commented
Yes, this needs to be almost a priority. Because there's almost nothing to translate here.
There need to be these languages ASAP:
German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese. Also will highly appreciate Russian, and other european languages, as well as Chinese - as for 2 billion people out there speaking it. :) -
Anonymous commented
Bonjour effectivement en FRANÇAIS .