Customize special characters and emojis in password generator
There needs to be a way to exclude Special Characters as some sites don’t support the #, ^, % or other certain special characters. There should be a box next to each special character that can be checked or unchecked.
So it might look like
✅ !
✅ @
❌ #
Also some Special Characters are missing from the password generator.
At the moment the special characters that the Password Generator generates is:
@ ! # * $ % ^ &
The missing Special Characters that should be added to the password generator to be able to generate is:
< | ( ) . : ; ” - ‘ [ ] { } + = ~ _ - / ? \
Lastly should also make a way to be able to add emojis to passwords. As Kaspersky Password Manager allows this feature.

Maxime Martyr commented
I approve this suggestion because up until I just discovered that Proton offers its own passwords generator, I used another and check how it allows you to select which symbols to include/exclude into your generated random passwords, I expect as much from Proton. 😉 -
[Deleted User] commented
Here is a YouTube video about emoji passwords:
Anonymous commented
This is a feature in other password managers and really needs to be included. Too many websites still don't support all the special characters and then require manually changing the generated password to meet the requirements.
Terry Orzechowski commented
The US Government will only let me use specific special characters. But I must use special characters. So I would like to be able to limit my special characters to just specific ones. Thank you
Your password must:
- be 9 to 30 characters long
- contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- contain at least one lowercase letter (a-z)
- contain at least one number (0-9)
- contain at least one of the following special characters: # @ $ % ^ ! * + = _
- change at least four characters from your previous password -
Edward C commented
Currently the function of "generate password" allows you to select the number of characters, and whether it can contain special characters. Some websites though only authorize the use of certain special characters in a user's password. Some websites only allow $, *, #, !. While other sites allow *, [, ], ^, !, +, _, -, !.
Under advanced options is it possible to implement a text box to explicitly identify the special characters that can be pulled from during password generation?
Jane Doe commented
I like to use special characters in my randomly generated passwords but every site differs what special characters you can and can’t use. It would be nice to have 2 text boxes one for characters, letters or numbers that won’t be used in creating a password and one that will use those that are specified.
Rodolfo commented
For compatibility purpose, one should be able to choose at some degree which symbols should be included in the generated password.
Some websites have some weird problems with some characters other than "@", "#", "$". For example: ".", "!", "^", "%", etc.