Obsfucation/hide mode
It would be greate if in the entry creation tab we had an obsfucation button to turn obsfucation per entry or per vault.
Obsfucation would cause entries in which this is enable to display blurred or with a banner saying it is obsfrucated. This wojuld require a separate pin to be able to see the entry.
It would be great if we have both, per vault and individual. In one case I can enter the pin to view all obsfucated entries in a vault when I'm sure no prying eyes are near (scenario: secret work related, can unobfucate work vault at work). In another, if there are people near my computer I can unobfucate a specific entry without showing the other private entries (scneario: At home with friends over my shoulder, I don't want to see all the naughty sites I visit, just a naughty dating site).
Currently, I do not open proton pass near anyone because everything is displayed as soon as its opened. Also, letting us choose a default vault do display when logging in rather that automatically displaying all vaults would help.