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Proton Pass

1457 results found

  1. import from IronVest (formally Blur)

    import from IronVest (formally Blur)

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  2. Make generated passwords/aliases editable

    Dev team, if you can please allow users to edit the generated passwords/aliases editable on the fly during generation? like when I want to change the 'l' to 'I' or when I want to remove some letters or add something that helps me remember it.

    Right now it's not editable. Only copy-paste.

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  3. Add an option to include minus letters into generated random passwords

    because your password generator offers an option for including capital letters but no option for including minus letters so it can generate random passwords without minus letters whereas some websites require minus letters in passwords.

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  4. Allow user to edit App colours / layout

    The settings in the window app are very limited and it is not possible to customise very much. For example, compared to some password managers, the app has a very dull appearance (purple and black) and it would be nice if the colour scheme could be changed, or the size of the panels changed. In my view, the App is not very mature and needs more work to compete with 1password etc.

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  5. Pricing is unclear

    You are selling ProtonPass at "60% off" which is $1.99 a month but the FULL price is $4.99 which would make ProtonPass the most expensive on the market. This puts me off buying as you may remove the 60% discount at any point in the future. Just be clear about what you will be charging your customers and forget this "60% off" nonsense!!
    You will have seen the posts on Reddit about this.

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  6. Possibility for longer PIN

    I love what Proton is doing!
    I just started wondering why the Proton Pass PIN is only 6 characters. Could it possibly have the same minimum requirements as strong passwords or at least a possibility for one? If so, why not make it more secure, as secure is what you strive for?
    Maybe alphanumeric characters could be allowed too...


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  7. Functionalities from Enpass

    As an Proton Unlimited user i'd like to switch from Enpass to Proton Pass, but the functionalities from Enpass are much better f.e. multiple passwords for 1 entry, possibility of reordering fields, file attachments, identities etc.

    Would be great to see those functions also in Proton Pass

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  8. 2FA codes custom length / time to expire

    Some websites like Twitch or Termius use 2FA codes of 7 numbers and some other websites (I don't have any examples here sorry) have custom timeouts for 2FA codes (like 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds). I would like to get rid of Authy for my 2FA codes using proton pass but I tested a 2FA example from a GitHub tutoriel on how to export from Authy and proton pass doesn't actually handle other than 6 numbers codes expiring un 30 seconds. Could you do something for this please ? Thanks !

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  9. Padloc import

    The password manager Padloc ( is not listed as an available option when selecting a password manager to import from.

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  10. An option to deactivate an item or a vault

    It could be an option at vault level, or single item level, that allows you to deactivate an item or a vault of items. This way you could exclude these items from searching and current use of Pass without putting them into the Trash.

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  11. Create Alfred Workflow

    For those of us that are heavy keyboard users and use Alfred for everything, it would be great if you can create an Alfred Workflow like 1Password has, that enables us to login to a web page in 2 seconds by selecting the login into Alfred, which will open the default browser and enter the login automatically. Very useful feature to not waste time clicking on the Proton Pass Chrome plugin, searching for a website there, clicking to open the website, clicking to enter the login... too much work! That is why I am hesitant to switch from 1Password. With…

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  12. Android import - txt or CSV

    Feature to import from text or csv file or from browser in android.

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  13. Retain favicon setting in web app

    When you lock proton pass, the default resets back to View Favicons... I find viewing Fav's VERY annoying .. Can you set Favicons to remember your choice and NOT default to VIew Favs after you open again. Would be awesome ! Thank you

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  14. Google Keep Import

    synchroniser google keep et proton pass pour les notes

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  15. Import and export entire vault from clipboard

    blue shield competitor implements import vault from pasting content you have on clipboard, if they meet the structure of what you selected, It'd be cool if proton pass implemented same thing.

    exporting to a html text input, example, and also importing from a text input :)

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  16. Ignore Website

    Need to be able to ignore some websites to prevent the popup from showing and asking to save the input.

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  17. MYKI import

    An import feature from MYKI would be nice

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  18. Raycast Extension

    Raycast is a super useful productivity tool – and to have the ability to quickly search through the vault and copy the password from there would be great.

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  19. Password protect vaults

    Buenos dias/tardes a todos.
    Quiero sugerir que en la aplicacion Proton Pass, ademas de tener el acceso comun con usuario y contraseña que las bodegas tengan contraseñas independientes para asi poder compartir o proteger aun mas las contraseñas o informacion que hay en ellas.

    Good morning/afternoon everyone.
    I want to suggest that in the Proton Pass application, in addition to having common access with username and password, that the wineries have independent passwords in order to be able to share or further protect the passwords or information that is in them.

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  20. Add Intel compatibility for Macs

    Please make Proton Pass work with Intel Macs. Macs last a long time and there are a lot of Intel Macs in use today, including mine. I have no intention of buying a new one anytime soon so until the Proton Pass OS app is supported on an Intel Mac, I won't be adopting it.

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