More Android / Android TV settings
Android phone app-add widget for quick connection - ability to split tunnel with URL instead of ip address, be able to whitelist or blacklist apps (reverse split tunnel
Android tv- be able to create multiple favourites, be able to split tunnel apps, be able to search for server locations
See surfsharks apps for good ideas
JG commented
Add an additional whitelist/blacklist option to the Split Tunneling on Android (and I'm sure iPhone users will want it, too) to specify apps that cannot connect to the internet all, or to list the specific apps that are allowed to connect.
Son on the Split Tunneling screen, I would see something like:
* Toggle for turning Split Tunneling on/off
* Toggle for using Whitelist Only
* * * Apps to add to Whitelist (Only apps listed can connect to the internet)* Toggle for using Blacklist
* * * Apps to add to Blacklist (Apps blocked from all internet access)
* * * IPs to add to Blacklist (IPs that can never be connected to)* Apps to bypass VPN
* IPs to bypass VPN -
Stephen Gordon commented
All great ideas! I think having access to quickly turn on/off the VPN in the top quick access drawer is also key - like ExpressVPN does.