Custom DNS should be able to be profile-level, not only app-level
I have a custom DNS at home. I still want to use VPN and for the most part, your app allows this via the Custom DNS configuration. However, I need to manually change that whenever I leave home and use VPN elsewhere. It'd be nice if I could quickly choose between two profiles, one that is just proton-managed defaults to use outside my home. The other is one I can choose when I'm at home and want to use my own DNS (i have locally hosted services I'd like to still be able to access, my own domain blocking, etc). This DNS is obviously only available locally hence the need to disable it when on a non-home network. Theoretically I could achieve this by manually creating custom configurations and using a different VPN client, but I'd be losing a lot of functionality with this approach when such a small change in the ProtonVPN app could achieve the same functionality without any loss.