Focus on existing products
I think Proton is already spreading itself too thin with all these different products, yet there are lots of things to improve on the existing ones.
[Deleted User] commented
This is a good idea. No one wants this to have 72 products like google and have all those products be buggy and bad to use. I think Proton should improve everything they can with their current products and then move onto other products.
William Schellhaas commented
I love Proton since the beginning when they first started. It was only recently that I became an Unlimited subscriber and want to get my entire family to join. Part of the recent push was all the extra products they now have like VPN, Drive and Pass. So while they should focus on their core business, if something is within range of improving the core - then go for it.
JBz commented
Agreed 1000% (And I do very much appreciate Proton)
1) Work on parity of Mail/Calendar with Microsoft/Google products before trying to add more products.
2) Ask yourselves: "Is there something already out there that does this? Would our version really fill a void and do it better?" before adding another product. For example, "Is there a privacy-minded password manager already out there (such as Bitwarden)? Would our version (Proton Pass) fill a void and/or be better than Bitwarden?"I'm afraid Proton is going to get so bloated by scope creep that my monthly subscription is going to go up while the quality of the core products goes down.
Adam commented
I'm surprised your comment is still there Sebastien. When I posted something critical of wallet like this over in the Proton Wallet section, it promptly got deleted.
Sébastien commented
I have to admit that I'm disappointed to see Proton using my paid subscription to fund products such as Proton Scribe and Proton Wallet.
I didn't expect them to give in to the generative AI hype and to the cryptocurrency craze.
Adam commented
Throwing as many votes behind this as I can... this a thousand times this.