Proton Drive: Bad behavior when attempting to sync identical files between desktop and cloud
I've been having trouble syncing files using the Proton Drive desktop client.
As a workaround, I am using the Web client.
However, when I relaunch the desktop client, then Proton Drive appears to get confused about my files. They are already in the Proton Drive cloud, but the desktop client doesn't understand that. It keeps trying to slowly replace the remote file with an identical local copy. After several minutes, it fails (!) And then it just loops and retries and fails again, and again, forever.
Since the attempt to desktop upload an identical file to the cloud continues slowly stall out, then this clogs the queue for desktop uploading other files.
One may be tempted to temporarily move the local file elsewhere, outside of the Proton local directory tree. However, I fear doing so could accidentally trigger removing the cloud copy altogether.
Please use checksums to skip attempting to upload files that are already in the cloud and have identical contents.
This will tend to speed up the Proton Drive desktop client and make it more reliable.
Slow network connections reveal just how rickety Proton Drive is. Would love to see Proton services introduce chaos engineering. Imagine writing performance tests to ensure that data sync doesn't fail altogether for users with connections as slow as 100 KB/sec.