Can't Find KeePassXC on Import from Selected Password Manager
Can't Find KeePassXC on Import from Selected Password Manager

Levi commented
I could export an XML file from KeePassXC on MacOS, and this could be imported as a Keepass XML file.
On Windows, however, KeePassXC only exports HTML and CSV - neither of which can be imported.
Adding support for CSV for keepass would solve this, as this format is available in all versions of keepass (I'm pretty sure).
Florent Tatard commented
It might be safe to assume people who know KeepassXC also know the origin Keepass and would be tempted to use that option. However, it would be better to make it clear Proton Pass supports KeepassXC by adding it directly to the UI.
Colan commented
Actually, this is already possible. Just need to export it to XML first. See for details.
Colan commented
Looks like is a duplicate of this, but there are more votes there.
Let's all move our votes to that one?
Richard Drew commented
KeePassXC can export in csv format but there is no option to import from KeePassXC in Proton Pass. Although there are options to import from csv files from other password managers the order of the fields may be different which could lead to a bit of a mess!
Latest version of KeePassXC can export in xml format which the KeePass xml import function is able to support so the comment above is obsolete.
Apologizes for the posting.