2FA codes custom length / time to expire
Some websites like Twitch or Termius use 2FA codes of 7 numbers and some other websites (I don't have any examples here sorry) have custom timeouts for 2FA codes (like 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds). I would like to get rid of Authy for my 2FA codes using proton pass but I tested a 2FA example from a GitHub tutoriel on how to export from Authy and proton pass doesn't actually handle other than 6 numbers codes expiring un 30 seconds. Could you do something for this please ? Thanks !
opsdo commented
Yes, this is very important. It is very much needed to add your idea as an advanced 2FA feature. Check out the App FreeOTP as a best practice. Here you can manually set
- Type (TOTP or HOTP)
- Digits (6 or 8), 7 would be aditionally helpful
- Algorithm (SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512)
- Time Interval (15, 30, 60, 120, 300 Seconds)I very much need exactly this flexibility since I have many different 2FA defaults.