Fuzzy Search Logins (etc.)
Example: If I want to quickly find my Proton Account login info.
"proton account" will not find anything
"acc proton" will not find anything
I need to explicitly search for "account.proton" (with a dot) for it to return anything. Being this specific is needed because search for "proton" only will give all entries that have "proton" in them, like "protonmail.com", so many logins, not just the proton account login.
It's impossible to always remember the exact URL portion like "account.proton".
Derek commented
Proton Pass should also support searching fields other than the login title and user name. For example, it should search custom text and hidden fields, too.
mopperle commented
The search is indeed anyoying. When I enter a search string I would expect not to get everything containing that string, but to get as a first result (at least) the matching Account