Functionality to "never save" password for specific websites.
I was very surprised to find out, that Proton Pass doesn't have the functionality to "never save" a password for a specific site. From my knowledge, any other password manager does feature this very prominently. Admittedly, there are not many websites, for which I never want to save a password. However, these are usually the ones, which I use more often. It is just very frustrating, to repeatedly have to click "not now" or "x" when using certain logins.

Nick Carmody commented
I keep getting asked to save my Microsoft Authenticator code as a new password in Proton Pass. If I had an option to exclude the app that would be useful as part of this
Xavi commented
So true.
It could be as a third option to the actual Yes/No buttons or a tick-box “Remember my decision for this password” or even some kind of automatism if the “No, thanks” button is pressed 5x.In all case, a section in Proton Pass showing all never-stored passwords would be a plus too, to allow users to change their mind easily.
a commented
coming from bitwarden i miss this feature a lot