Search by title only
lets say i have primary email
so i have hundreds of Logins saved where email is ""
then i also want to have my password to gmail account saved - and it has title "Jon gmail".
Now imagine situation i want to find the login record specifically for my gmail account. I type "jon gmail" and in the result i see hundreds of logins - because you make search by title OR by the actual login saved, so all hundreds of records where i used as my login email are pulled and its impossible to filter somehow and find what i am looking for - my gmail saved password.....
1Password resolved this issue by adding checkbox: search only in titles.
cunk111 commented
How insufferable is it to search for "proton" and have basically all my identities match because i use a proton mail address.
LonelyTree27 commented
I completely agree. I mostly use an old gmail address every time I register to a website that is likely to send me spam. Whenever I need to log into that account, I end up browsing through hundreds of results before I can locate the right one.
It would be very useful to be able to define the scope of the search - titles only, username, ...