Reorder vaults
Aside for more vaults and subvaults we need a way to reorganize the order of the vaults. Rn the newest one created is at the top and the oldest at the botton. This is in the web app. I need a way to reorder them like tags in protonmail

Sean Sands commented
Also, allow me to drag and drop any multi-selected entries in a different vault.
Cynik commented
I think that it would be nice if the order of the vaults were customizable.
Choosing which vaults are at the top of the vault list it would be a huge quality of life improvement, especially for frequently used vaults.
Harrison Lawrence commented
Second this. Even better if they could be dragged and reordered arbitrarily.
Rick commented
Now there's no chance to reorder vaults however you want. Now vaults order only alphabetically.
You need to put a number in a vault’s name so that the organisation of the vaults is as I want.