Show entropy and how many years to hack the password in the password generator and in the saved logins.
It would be awesome to see the entropy of a password created in the password generator. Along with seeing how many characters the password is and how many years it would take to hack. Lastly this feature should extend to created logins and also when a hidden field is created the user can enable the hidden field to act like a password. Which would then show the entropy and how strong the hidden field is.
Anonymous commented
We should at least be able to see the entropy or a scale of how strong a password is. Currently you can create a password with four letter, all lowercase, and there's no indication that it's a weak password.
Markus commented
Show the entropy in bits (and perhaps with an assessment: excellent, very good, good, fair, weak, very weak) when generating a password so that the user gets an idea what type of quality he has generated.
Maybe also add extended character sets (as in KeePassXC)...