Autofill from extension after search
I've saved more than 200 login items for single website. All are for different companies and all are legit. So when I'm using proton pass it shows me drop-down with 200 login items for that site - there's no search field.. So I would love to use keyboard shortcut to open extension and then use search field and press on wanted item to autofill. And the moment all I can do is scroll in that drop-down and look for one correct item or use search in extension and then manually copy and paste credentials, which is nonsense.
danieldddddd commented
The lack of this makes me cry on a daily basis, so much so that I'm thinking of going back to Bitwarden. I want to be able to search then autofill.
Floris commented
@B0tCreati0n: We manage specific data for clients, but the vendor only allows one person/mail/user to log in, so we heva to login with client credentials. Not safe, but no other way..:-(
So, yes you can have a lot of logins for one site, a search funtion is essential for this usecase -
Black Sparow commented
Maybe also add more domain specific rules. As i have 1 domain with a bunch of subdomains and I always get logins from other subdomains
Anonymous commented
A search bar for people that have multiple logins on the same website is essential imho.
B0t Creati0n commented
Okay... but why do you have 200+ logins for the same website???
Blake commented
I'm in the same boat as most people here. I have some sites that have 100+ logins for the same domain, and it's an absolute pain to have to scroll through to find the correct login manually every time. This takes more time than just signing in on my own.
The presented Proton Pass list of potential logins should filter as I input text into the desired field. Right now, the Proton Pass dropdown overlay disappears when you begin typing text. The only way around this is to click through the extension, search, and copy/paste. This is many more clicks and taps.
James Flynn commented
This useful feature is currently incorporated into the mobile app, so it would be great to be able search/select an account result and then manually attempt to "autofill " credentials, and then it could also ask if the user wants to add the URL to the selected credential for next time.
There are multiple aspects to this that seem to be added as separate requests, including to use Keyboard Shortcuts, a right-click menu option, etc.
All said, it comes down to matching the Mobile app features for the extension.
Even if one is using a blank "search" currently (e.g. the result already shows in the listed credentials), there isn't a way to prompt Proton Pass to fill this selected result.
Paweł Bińkowski commented
yes, search so I don't have to scroll through my 318 logins...
Martin commented
I totaally agree, i my case i manage 50 subdomains with each an own login.
I use my pprotonmail email adress for it.When i open a subdomain autofill doest find the right site, and if i open the extension it shows me all sites which with i use the protonmail emailadress, which are 750 pieces, i was suprised that it doesnt filter automatic, or that at least i could set it up to filter on domain instead of login name or smth
Haitham Badarin commented
This feature is essential, ProtonPass better add it asap!