Keyboard Shortcut for System Wide Access to Search Proton Pass Vaults
As an example (functionality that exists within 1Password) invoking a keyboard shortcut (such as CMD + Shift + Space) would pull up a "spotlight like" search bar (system wide) which would allow for quick search for a login - and present allow for additional Keyboard Shortcuts such as CMD+C to Copy Username, CMD+Shift+C to copy password - to allow for improved workflow of quickly searing and logging into accounts where autofill cannot currently access across apps and other system prompts.
This feature is referred to as "Quick Access" when comparing it to 1Password

C commented
This is so crucial for my workflow! It saves you a thousand clicks without thinking and stopping.
Sam Pluemacher commented
This is one of the main reasons I am currently staying with 1Password as it is such an incredible useful feature. Looking up License codes or other information that you quickly want to access (which are not browser based and do not work with autofill)
Brian commented
I signed up for proton pass on the $1/month lifetime deal a couple years ago. I still havent' switched over to proton from lastpass because this single feature isn't there.
I hope proton adds it some time.
Frank commented
This feature is referred to as "Quick Access" when comparing it to 1Password