24:00 notation for iOS
In Calendar is only a PM /AM time notation now. I prefer the 24 hours notation (International Standard ISO 8601 )
Important: this feature is already available on WEB and ANDROID.

Planned for iOS
For web: go to Settings > Account > Language and time > Time format
For Android in the sidebar go to Settings > General > Time format
Aye commented
This is currently available under settings...
On the (iThing) mobile version there is no setting for this, you make the change in the web version (see below), which is almost immediately (wow!) replicated to the mobile version.
On the web version it's the cog icon next to the calendar name, over in the left-hand pane, then under language and time > Time format (It doesn't actually say 12h vs 24h, it shows a time with am/pm or a time in 24h format.)
Gabriel commented
Hey Proton Team,
When you go create an event in Calendar you have to use the 12:00 format and include the : when making a a change in the time.
Would it be possible to add that if you type: 2200 it equals: 10:000pm
And if i type 0525 it equals 5:25 am?Thanks
Anonymous commented
Looks like this one has been shipped. At least in web and Android apps.
Edward commented
?? Mine already shows time in the 24 hour format.
And far as DD/MM/YYYY vs MM/DD/YYYY, I'd prefer YYYY/MM/DD
Lorenz Michels commented
Also in WEB please
Ivy commented
Please implement on WEB version
spayk commented
Can this also be implemented for the desktop/web version of ProtonCalendar?
Bixente commented
In the Calendar app, go to Settings, then Time Format (the fifth setting you see in the list, the one before last - as of 2021-08-02 at least). Then you can choose 1. System default; 2. 13:00; or 3. 1pm. -
[Deleted User] commented
Just came back and saw the comment on how to activate this. The option should be more apparent as I looked and couldn't find it until someone explained where it was.
Jaap commented
ISO 8601 uses the 24-hour clock system.
SupersonicDinosaur commented
This is already implemented. When you go to settings, click on the Account/Dashboard button on the left. Then find the section "Language & Time". There you can change the time from 1pm to 13h -
ncmaps commented
@gjwolfswinkel, I see nothing pertaining to time under that general preferences link. Has it been removed, or moved? Do you still see it?
Peter commented
Is this implemented yet?? I can't find it.
Ruben commented
Yes, it seems that this has been implemented. Feature request may be closed then.
Brick Wall commented
Or U.S. veterans that find civilian life annoying and aggravating.
gjwolfswinkel commented
In the General account settings, I picked the 13.00 time notation, available here: https://account.protonmail.com/u/3/general#week-start
To me it seems this feature is implemented?
Al commented
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. 24 hour clock is just better in every way. No confusion. Here in the US people confuse Noon (12 PM) and Midnight (12 AM) ALL the time. 24 hour clock eliminates this. While I understand this is a matter of choice and that most people prefer AM/PM here in N. America, there are some of us who have worked in industries that use the 24 hour clock. Once you get used to it, the old 12 hour AM/PM format seems very constraining
[Deleted User] commented
Kees Serier commented
Yes please, I'm looking for this as well!
The Android Proton Calendar desplayes this correctly! -
micheal phil commented
Every time I delete my personal AOL emails, they come back, I have to delete them several times before they go away permanently. Please help me, i don’t understand why deleted AOL Email reappearing in my AOL Email inbox.