Hotkeys for Navigating Emails, Starting Emails, and Moving Between Folders
In Gmail, one can use hotkeys to navigate through emails, start email compositions, move between folders, and many other things. I rarely use the mouse when working in Gmail. I would very much like the same functionality here.
A complete list of Gmail hotkeys can be found here:

Nuno commented
Fantastic! Many thanks for your great work!!
K Young commented
Fantastic work, thanks.
I'd love to also have "l" and "v" for labeling and moving messages—I use each of those hotkeys 50x per day in GMail. -
Nuno commented
If ProtonMail adopts the *exact* key scheme from Gmail, no learning would be necessary for transitioning.
joel commented
Yes, please include this! Duckduckgo are also using similar vim-inspired keyboard shortcuts They are tremendously powerful, both for search, email and, of course, in vim =)