Conversation view for Android
I would a conversation view in the mobile application as it exists in the desktop version !

Conversation view for Android is now available.
GG commented
"Started" almost 2 years ago and still not implemented? This is basic email client functionality, I don't even...
Robin commented
I was nearly ready to consider that I have the feature I need to pass to a paid version and start migrating from gmail, but this is a deal breaker :(
Jon Singh commented
Please provide mail threading the iOS application.
Anonymous commented
Still no news for this feature after almost two years ?
Jaryd commented
Just want to say I burned like 15 minutes trying to figure out how to turn this on under the assumption it was a feature-flag/toggle.
Not necessarily your fault that I spent so much time before looking it up but says more about my expectations of the client :)
Otherwise love the service!
JoAnn commented
Anonymous commented
Any news? This should be the #1 priority for the mobile app. It's been two years now since this was proposed.
Anonymous2 commented
Please!! I love ProtonMail and there is only ONE THING holding me back from upgrading to one of the paid versions: There is no Conversation Grouping in the iOS app! This is really inconvenient for people who have been working with that feature for years. When can we expect an update??
Anonymous commented
Any updates on this? A real deal breaker on the mobile app for any mail power user!
Anonymous commented
The lack of this feature is the sole reason I haven't fully changed from Gmail to Protonmail. I'm sure I'm not the only person for whom this is a deal-breaker of an option.
Anonymous commented
When will this feature be added. The email is unusable without it.
[Deleted User] commented
Is there an ETA for this feature?
Rob commented
Im new to smart phones (pixel2) and Protonmail app, Im migrating from Hushmail they do not even have an android app.
I love the desktop interface, please...please add the ability to collapse a thread to this app...
Jack commented
This needs more attention! Makes the apps a giant wasteland of emails when we cant have conversation view.
Anonymous commented
The iOS app does not include the feature to group messages ("Conversation Grouping" in the web app). According to me this is a must. The Apple Mail app nicely implements this feature.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely needed. Sometimes I have dozens of emails tied to a specific thread, and it is very difficult to navigate on the app, which is what I use for my email most of the time. Preventing me from making the switch from Gmail in total. See the Google/Gmail "Inbox" app for a good example. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
This should be priority #1 at this point. I'm baffled that this wasn't a default feature at launch!
Jason commented
This is critical to the practical usability of the mobile app: I have an email thread that is currently 10 emails long. On the desktop/web app this is fine, it's threaded/grouped and I can expand and collapse it as needed. But on the mobile app, since I can't collapse it at all, these 10 emails take up the entire inbox screen and I have to scroll more to find emails. I should be able to expand and collapse in the mobile app the same way I do in the desktop/web app.
J commented
I agree.
It is too tedious having to switch back and forth from inbox and sent to see the conversation.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to make a possiblity to group the converstation also in the app