Separate read and unread mails view option
GMail has this wonderful and dead simple UI/UX feature which I would like to see in my ProtonMail account: inside inbox, one can choose to collect all unread emails first, on top and then (separated by a small label or something) one can see all the already read emails below. Otherwise in this "view" the order/sort can be changed to size/date both with asc/desc options.
This feature makes it very easy to look at the inbox and see all read and unread mails without clicking on "show read only" or "show unread only".
Thanks in advance!

Thomas Colley commented
Some way of easily viewing unread email is so clearly desirable. The functionality exists in the Android app. Please include it in the web/browser app!
B commented
Bummed to see comments here dating all the way back to 2016 and, even though it’s now 2024, 8 years later, it still isn’t a feature! Please integrate!
Matthew Best commented
Where is this feature? This has nothing to do with encryption, either; if ProtonMail can detect that an email is unread, it can filter by it. I'm tired of seeing that I have "2 unread emails" whenever a new single email comes in.
gHeadphone commented
Yes please, a filter to show unread emails from all labels/folders would be great
Anonymous commented
Could you add a feature to sort e-mails by their read/unread status ?
Currently you can only see either read or unread e-mails but not both.
I like to keep e-mails I need to work on / reply to later as unread so having them on top of my e-mail list while still seeing other read e-mails is really convenient. -
Lemon commented
I have an unread icon trying to get my attention in the folder sidebar. When i go to that folder, i have no way to quickly find that unread message. When i go to search, I have no way to find it, either. Today, the only way to find it is to scroll through each page of the folder looking for a bold message. This is is a waste of time and is so slow.
Anonymous commented
In Web UI, view unread messages as a default option.
Anonymous commented
Be able to view unread emails only, as a default option
My email box only ever shows every email I have ever received. Ijust want to view unread emails only.
Stinkys commented
Using either Folder or Labels, have a default folder to show unread mail. Or allow smart folder creation with custom rule set to accomplish the same.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE! It's quite annoying to scroll to find unread emails. There is an option to mark them unread once opened but we need unread messages to stay at the top and in order by date.
cami commented
Like in Gmail app, there is an option to view 'unread' emails only. Often times, I will keep an email in an 'unread' status so I can come back to it at a later moment. However, once I start opening other mail and receiving new emails, these still 'unread' emails get buried under new stuff. Instead of scrolling down to search for those unread emails, or having to click to the next page, perhaps we could view all unread in a new thread. Thansk!
Luca commented
I have the same request.
I like to mark us unread a message to have it -and actions linked to it- visible at a first glance when I open the inbox. -
openInvent commented
This option is implemented by clicking more and then choosing unread but not like gmail is:unread $searchToken
JJG commented
I don't like gmail/apple mail for its insecurity. But I depend on it's it's Unread messages folder. Which automatically shows all unread messages with the newest on top. Untill Protonmail provides that unfortunately I cannot completely move over. Otherwise I get lost in the thousands of email messages.
Robert commented
This seems like such a simple no brainer, I'm surprised it doesn't exist yet.
Anonymous commented
How do I add an Unread folder? I need this really bad.
Anonymous commented
yes a search function much like gmail's "is:unread" would be awesome
Anonymous commented
Where is the option (folder) for populating only unread messages?
mikayel ghazaryan commented
Please, add "unread" option in search, or put the button which will show only unread messages.