print multiple emails
Dear proton team,
Please add an option in the "more" button to print multiple emails after having selected them. This would be a really simple feature to implement and it saves a lot of time.
Once a month I have to get printouts of about 50 emails and it takes quite a bit of time print them individually.
Thanks in advance
Anonymous commented
For the love of all that is holy, Why is this still not an option. I have been dealing with the US SBA concerning a loan application for almost an entire year. NOw It had become necessary to provide copies of my correspondence with the SBA dating back to when I first applied in March of 2020. That is a shit ton of emails to have to print them off one at a time. Especially considering that I have them all nice and organized in a folder already, and it seems like it would be the easiest thing just to add a "Print Folder" button