Folders and labels to organize the contact list
It is necessary in Protonmail to organize the list of contacts in folders or lists and even tags that can be named as desired. This would allow better organization of the contact list. Being able to organize the list of contacts in folders and labels is something that other mail clients do not have.
As an example, I personally would like to organize my list of contacts in "My Contacts", "Customers" and "Other Contacts".
I also suggest that all addresses that are automatically added to the contacts list go to a folder called "Other Contacts". This already does other mail clients and I find it very useful not to have a mess in my contact list.

maltev commented
I second this! The 'category' functionality acts only as mailing lists currently.
Please either expand the category functionality or allow labels/keywords to be added for grouping/sorting, finding/viewing and exporting contacts.
Outside of PM I manage my contacts with different address books ("Family", "Friends", "Work", "Old contacts").
This comment about the current groups is important as well:
"when you click the group, you want those group's contacts to appear in the [contact] list (not bring the popup group settings window)" - Michal's comment from 'Filter Contacts List by Group'
Hanna Randall commented
Because I cannot search contact encrypted fields, I would need other way to find specific contact. For instance, if I want to list all contacts I met during an event, I could do it if I am able to label them with the name of that event. Thank you.
With this functionality, I would immediately import all my contacts to ProtonMail. Otherwise, I am still a bit reluctant. -
Merry Weis commented
How can the folders be alphabetized?
Anonymous commented
Without being able to create specific contact lists like on Rogers/Yahoo or Outlook, ProtonMail is not very useful to me and I won't consider upgrading.