Read receipt / confirmation
Would It is possible to know if the recipient open or read the mail? as or
That would be great!

Bert Amen UlfBerht Rand commented
Tout à fait, moi aussi j'aimerais avoir une telle fonction, surtout que avec protonmail sur environ 10 emails envoyés au moins 2 ce sont perdus, et confirmé par le destinataire. Salutations
Anonymous commented
I need to know the lawyer I am writing is opening my emails. It is imperative
flora commented
Bonjour, Je serais aussi fort intéressée par cette fonction accusé de réception. cordialement,
Paul commented
It would be an effective way to minimize resent or appear pestering
Christine ANSEL commented
Bonjour, y a-t-il une raison technique expliquant l'absence d'une fonction accusé réception ? Je vous remercie par avance de votre réponse.
Hello, is there a technical reason for the absence of an acknowledgment of receipt ? Thank you in advance for your answer. -
Becky commented
I would like to see a read receipt option as well. I am an independent contractor for the state of Washington. Some of the folks I email at the state of Washington don't respond back to me unless I request a read receipt--the request for read receipt catches their attention better.
Bethany Miracle commented
This is a huge limitation. Many other services offer this feature. Shouldn’t the primary concern here be to provide excellent feature for uuur customers, who obviously desire this feature.
Anonymous commented
Agree with the comments below, the absence of this feature is a real limitation of an otherwise terrific mail service.
Jim Kodak commented
As a new comer to Protonmail, this was an issue that immediately limited my usage. I understand the issue raised by the Admin reply but isn't it possible to ignore an in-coming request to confirm receipt or read? Pity this request is spread over many threads. I am contributing to the request from the greatest number of users I found. Thank you for reconsidering.
kkg commented
I would still love to see this as an option so I can get rid of my gmail account entirely.
JCarnahan commented
I would love to see this as an option. I've had a couple issues sending to large corporate recipients where they email will be rejected for whatever reason... however, if the email is filtered to a spam/junk folder on the recipient's end, I receive no notification that there was an issue.
It's a great option for business use, because it helps me know if follow-up phone calls or emails are going to annoy my customer or if they just hadn't seen the email i sent.
L commented
If they add this setting, any chance they could also add a settings to disable this feature from being used on you?
Anonymous commented
I see negative comments. My purpose is to ensure the staff I am e mailing are opening and reading the e mails sent in a timely manner. Proton mail if for me because it is HIPAA compliant.
gil commented
I vote for this. Any mail client can do that why protonmail can't? It's always the responsibility of the sender to accept the acknowledgement. And if he doesn't want, fair enough, at least you should be able to know that your message has reached its destination. There's nothing against privacy in this, you already know you have sent an email to the recipient !
Frederic commented
Bonjour, une fonction "demande d'accusé de réception" ou "acquitement de l'ouverture du mail envoyé" est-elle envisageable ? Merci .Actuellement au niveau de mon entreprise, j'utilisais l'extension "Boomerang" avec Gmail pour avoir un acquitement d'ouverture du mail envoyé. Cordiales salutations.
[Deleted User] commented
The day that happens is the day I quit using Proton for good. What a lousy idea! I started to use Proton to avoid creepy intrusions like this.
Cubestory commented
That does seem stupid tbh... That is like why ppl use proton, to have privacy. And that option would not be much privacy, now would it?
c.s. commented
Proton is the wrong place for you! Privacy for you but not for the recipients of your mails? A queer wish!
InventorInch commented
Pleas stop giwe those kind of options: Why you need to know as you mail been readet or noth, If persone dont want contact with you , then he/she should have that option. I like privacy . I dont want that mother of law, or gov knows how many time per day i logged in or did i logged in mailbox and so on .....Stop sneaking afther oder persons life, and live you own one, thanks
Jean Claude commented
Idem pour cette idée de savoir si le destinataire a ouvert et lu le courriel Proton.