Block sender
It would be great to be able to block certain email addresses from being able to send you emails. Not just a filter to go to “spam” but being able to actually block the sender totally

Tunafish commented
Somebody is thinking at last. Security doesn't need a prettier web interface. It needs a combination of whitelist and blacklist options at domain and sender levels.
Expand the idea from annoying senders to general opsec. It should be possible to enforce. An option to accept mail only from other Protonmail accounts, and then only if encrypted, would be a good start.
That ruleset could expand into accepting any valid PGP messages from anywhere, but no plaintext messages of any kind.
Blacklisting whole domains (yahoo, gmail, hotmail) should be possible, not just individual senders.
Anonymous commented
The team is working on email filters and that will allow you to divert emails from unwanted senders.
James commented
Definately allow this feature. I prefer (B). Send the reject message but let us still see the message in our inbox.
Anon commented
That would be awesome!
Mike commented
Similar to email rules which can be created in Outlook, I would like the option for incoming emails from specific emails searched for keywords such as 'special offers' and have that moved to spam.
In a more general sense, it would be handy to have customisable rules so that when you get an incoming message, an automated action such as flagging the message as important or sending it to spam can be set based on certain criteria such as the email content or email sender.
Administrateur commented
I would love this. It would keep a few ppl I don't want to respond to away from me.
Rick commented
@OtherPerson: How's that? The blocking would be done at the user level!
If I add to my own black list, how's that going to put all users at risk of being blocked by "some services"? -
otrapersona commented
I'd be careful implementing this feature, lots of potential for mischief that would bring bad consequences for all users. For instance, some people used their riseup emails for spam and now some services blocked all riseup mails (not only for receiving, but also for sending).
Jay commented
PM, please add this.
Dennis commented
I would love to see this feature as well. I receive a couple emails from someone who just won't go away. I have to keep deleting them manually. This would solve that issue. I thought about just getting another account and abandoning this one, however Protonmail is not my primary email and it would be such a pain to start again.
Rick commented
I would like the option to reject emails from specific senders.
Specific email addresses or domains could be added to a blacklist.
Senders in the blacklist would be under two categories:(A) Blocked
(B) Appear as Blocked(A) If an incoming email is from a sender in the "Blocked" group the server would send an "undeliverable" message to the sender and the sender's email would not appear in my Inbox or my spam box at all.
(B) If an incoming email is from a sender in the "Appear as Blocked" group the server would send an "undeliverable" message to the sender but the sender's email would still appear in my Spam box.