I eschew Webmail wherever i can, strongly preferring local-pc client-based email / PIM functionality [currently Thunderbird, with POP3]. It remains greatly inconvenient to me that you still do not have POP3 support. No, i do not care at all about your mobile apps... useless to me... i want it on my pc with POP3. I would stop using ProtonMail altogether [due to this problem] if it wasn't for the fact that you have such excellent security criteria... but i persist with the Webmail-only access under sufferance. PLEASE give POP3 support.
Alberto commented
Many issue using IMAP, folders mail auto moving ....
Michel commented
For a domestic user it seems quite important to me.
In an energy sobriety point of vue we should have the possibility to store our emails at home, not in the cloud -
Anonymous commented
Even if you limited online storage to 2GB and charged the same as the 5GB monthly fee, it would be worth it as those who use POP3 don't typically keep email on a cloud service. I prefer to archive my email on my NAS.
Anonymous commented
Hello Sir-
Does proton mail have a pop 3 feature. This will allow me to download my mails. With my existing mails' i have that feature. I can see my mail's when I'm offline. Also, it saves space on my online system post download.
Thank you
bob hamilton commented
I agree with the prior arguments requesting POP3, but would like to add another perspective: What happens when protonmail goes out of business? What a pain it will be to have to try to export years of email (if we even get a chance), and the thought of trying to use the export tool to keep up with it on a regular basis is ludicrous.
Since I live in an area with sketchy internet access, I often find myself working offline, and unable to access my email through protonmail on my computer, and even if I can read email on another device, trying to respond is cumbersome at best.
Kudos on the security aspects of protonmail, but how about some thought for customer convenience? Anyone know of a secure email provider that offers POP3? I've been using a paid protonmail account for ~1.5 years, but I'm ready to switch.
Jonathan David Arndt commented
Totally agree with each of the other comments here. Being able to search through years worth of email across many accounts in a single consolidated POP3 account is priceless. IMAP is real neat, but for those of us on this thread, there are abilities we have with POP that are lost when using IMAP.
I use multiple devices, including the web/app for checking current messages. But I will leave them in the inbox, and later on those messages should be downloaded and archived locally, even after they are cleaned off the server.
There is no reason for me to store 10 years of mail on a server (limited space) when I have a hard drive the size of Texas.
Being able to use POP with Thunderbird would make me a permanent customer.
corentin commented
I use IMAP for work (convenience) but definitively not going to use IMAP for personal box. Even with a crypted box i would rather continue to delete messages from the server. (And i don't consider myself a privacy paranoid.)
I have always used POP for private box (i have 20 years of mails in my thunderbird). Sounds like common sense to me (the basic of privacy)
(and this is also a waste of space) -
Anonymous commented
I completely support this. Hell for me, at least having smtp/pop3/imap server for emailing my own notifications would be useful.
Anonymous commented
Although I have enabled 'Message notifications' I would prefer to have all my emails forwarded to my POP3 account so I don't have to keep accessing various servers to read them.
Anonymous commented
This would be great!
Anonymous commented
G. Gibson commented
I do a lot of automated integration on Linux. I NEED POP3/IMAP/SMTP without the bridge software. Yes, I KNOW there are security tradeoffs, but I NEED those capabilities in a variety of service contexts that your bridge software will not work in. I'm considering going with someone else over this actually. Not sure yet.
Zeev Wurman commented
Same here ... POP would make me move over completely. I want my repository to be on my machine. Bridge doesn't seem to solve the problem.
Desert Catmom commented
I too would like to see POP3 available in Protonmail and would pay extra for it. I find IMAP cumbersome and could better organize my email via pop3. I like to keep MY emails on MY servers and do not need a lot of the features that IMAP provide. I use Thunderbird and would prefer POP3 to keep everything together. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Currently I use POP3 to store my E-Mail locally and like to have a mirror on my smartphone. As mostly I only need the latest E-mails when I don't have my laptop with me, the deletion of older mails on the server actually is very convenient because due to that I don't need so much storage on the mail-server.
User commented
POP3 support:
# for acess email account by p.e. Thunderbird, that can be secured by TLS 1.3 and if wished by PGP
# demand other email accounts by PoP3, pe. from other Proton Mail accounts or from other email provider -
User commented
POP3 support:
# for acess email account by p.e. Thunderbird, that can be secured by TLS 1.3 and if wished by PGP
# demand other email accounts by PoP3, pe. from other Proton Mail accounts or from other email provider -
Anonymous commented
My current email provider (Verizon) is transitioning out of the email business. Please add pop3 support. With the security and privacy you currently offer, I would happily pay for your services if pop3 support is included. Until then, I'll keep looking. Thank you.
Ken commented
I use POP3 with Thunderbird to organize messages into my own historic archive without having to think about it. Retrieving email is automatic, and filtering (different from what I'd have with IMAP) takes care of the rest. Being able to search through years worth of email across the many ISPs I've had over time (PM being just the latest) in a single consolidated POP3 account is priceless. Any IMAP solution provides less functionality and more effort.
Call me lazy, but I would love to make my life simpler with POP3 access :-)
Anonymous commented
It is difficult to understand that ProtonMail is based on User’s keys on their own devices.... but not POP3 to have emails on user’s devices; deleting it from your servers after some days.
Security and Privacy are ProtonMail strengths... so act accordingly.