More Domains and More email addresses per domain
The Professional version, even more expensive than the basic subscription is far too expensive to be allowed only two domains and 5 email addresses per domain. There should be up to 5 domains for this price and 20 addresses per domain.
Chris Barnes commented
Even on the Visionary plan the limit is 10 domains, should be more like 50. Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 have virtually unlimited domains. If Proton wants to get more of those customers these domain and email address limits need to be drastically raised.
Ali commented
At least 5 domains for Proton Unlimited would be nice.
Adi commented
Agree. Between Plus and Pro there is no difference in disk space either. Both have 5GB. I would like to have 5 domains too. Now we have 2 and Visionary jump suddenly to 10. How it comes? Is it about making everyone Visionary, because by adding 1 user and 1 domain to Pro ends up only €90 cheaper than Visionary. For some is a lot but for others maybe fine, though not necessary to have 50 emails and 10 domains. I`m thinking to add my wife as as a user but found that it will be probably cheaper for her to take PPlus without VPN than add her as a user. I alerady pay for 5 VPN connections and she uses one.