Create more themes
Allow user to create or choose a variety of themes
Gary Isn't From Earth commented
For themes I currently have Legacy and still like it over all the other available themes. Please don't get rid of it. I'm a paying subscriber.
Jason R Hackett commented
Something about the graphics on Proton Mail's website hurts my eyes. Could you offer a theme or setting that turns off advanced graphics and only uses the most basic of rendering?
Mathurin commented
Add more themes and put the possibility to choose a theme on the application please
Satchel McKee commented
Background themes for ProtonMail and ProtonCalendar would be an awesome feature from nature to seasonal to space, that I think users would love!
RK commented
Anonymous commented
Please add more themes like Gmail offers. Im sorry but they are soooooooooo boring.
Anonymous commented
Is there any way to change general appearance of our email account pages to appear less oppressive?
I have a neurological illness with cognitive challenges; very difficult to focus and read my mail with the dark grey box/bar theme.
Chris commented
I just wanted to say how much I like the ability to hack the CSS and make my own custom theme the way I wanted. Had to fiddle with it for a few hours but the final look is much better suited for my display and resolution. Here I'm sharing my current version of CSS hacks. I may work on more UI parts later.
/* Overrides */
body { font-size: 1.10em; font-family: "Arial" !important; }
body #conversation-view .message { border: none; }
body #conversation-view.latest, body #pm_view.latest { width: 70%;}
body #conversation-list-columns { width: 30%; }#conversationHeader h1 { font-size: 16px; letter-spacing:-1px; padding: 14px 50px 14px 5px; color:#999;}
#conversation-view .message .summary { background:#f6f6f6 !important; }
#conversation-view .message .summary .time { background:#f6f6f6 !important; }
#conversation-view .message .summary .labels, #conversation-view .message .summary .location.folders, #conversation-view .message .summary .message-attachments, #conversation-view .message .summary .status, #conversation-view .message .summary .time { background:#f6f6f6 !important; }
.conversation { height: 81px; }
#conversation-view .message .summary .summary-right { background:none !important;}
#conversation-view .message .details { background:#e6e6e6 !important;}
#conversation-view .message .details .recipients-summary { margin-top: 8px;}.messageExtra-container>[class*=-container] { background:#ccc;}
.pm_buttons .pm_buttons-child { padding: 18px; box-shadow: none;}
.pm_buttons .moveElement-container { padding: 18px; box-shadow: none;}
.conversationView-container { width: 100%;}
body #conversation-view, body #pm_view { width: 70%; }
.pm_buttons-child { box-shadow: none; }
.pm_buttons a, .pm_buttons button { box-shadow: none; background:#e6e6e6; }
.navigationItem-title { font-size: 17px; text-transform: uppercase; }
.sidebarApp-item, .sidebarApp-menu li { margin-top: 10px; }
body #pm_thread:focus { outline: none; }
.navigation li .navigation-icon { font-size: 24px; }
.navigation li .navigation-title { font-size: 12px; margin-top: 5px;}
.pm_toolbar.pm_toolbar_withSelector { background:#555; }
.sidebarApp-container, .mobileMode .sidebarApp-container, body .headerDesktop-logo, .composerHeader-container { background:#555;}
/*.headerSecuredDesktop-container, .headerSecuredDesktop-logo, .headerSecuredMobile-container { height: 70px; } */
.conversation.marked:before { background: #9b9b9b; }
.labelsElement-name { font-size: 12px;}
.headerSecuredDesktop-logo:before { width: 210px; height: 40px;} { background:#e6e6e6;}
.elements-selector-trigger-dropdown { color:#fff; }
.sidebarApp-container .footer { padding: 10px 0 35px; }
.sidebarApp-container .sidebar-btn-compose { background:#333; border:none;}
.sidebarApp-container .sidebar-btn-compose:hover { background:#000;}
.from-value { margin-bottom:6px; }
.sidebarApp-container, .mobileMode .sidebarApp-container, body .headerDesktop-logo, .composerHeader-container { padding-top: 20px; } -
LKNLady commented
Hoping you could add some other Theme features with lighter sidebars. It's difficult to see the "colored" folders on the sidebar. Thank you
Gehel commented
I totally agree with that! I have to admit that the beta theme makes me much more visually tired, I find the default theme of the non-beta more nuanced and pleasant!
Kevin commented
Expand available color templates and the ability to import the Gmail color template in the the latest beta of Protonmail.
0717 commented
The Beta Version does not have color themes. However, I love the subfolder option in Beta. I am torn between using the Beta for Subfolders and Color for the live version. Just add color to the Beta version.... please!
Robin commented
I would LOVE to be able to add colors/photo themes to web and mobile versions. Thank you!
Connor Milton commented
Default appearance themes, for ease and reassurance of privacy (as opposed to using invasive CSS code unknowingly)
Em commented
I want a custom background image more than anything.
NixDa commented
Please make more customizable Themes with color and so, in beta this monoton black and white is so really ugly, for 10years in all apps, programms, os, all was coloured and in 3D optic today all in this ugly 2D black and white, why did develobers think the graphic cards of 100 euros burn up or overload with colors, thx
Anonymous commented
Hello at the past there was the option under Settings/ Appearance in the BETA version to add custom themes.
Will this be available once more?
it was a pretty cool feature -
Paul commented
It's very hard to see what's read and what's not. Please add color themes.
bambino commented
Adjusting colors would be great. Especially the color of the already-read messages...
Anonymous commented
THEMES. HD quality Fonts, Font sizes. Contrast is dull.