More colours for folders and lables
I'm sure there are people like me who like to use colour codes. I find myself running out of colours and using repeated colours for my folders and labels. Be nice if we can have more colours.

JOSHomme73 commented
Agreed. I use labels a lot. The current options are very limited and not very attractive either. being able to create a custom label colour a la gmail where I can choose the background and text colour would be ideal
Sandbox commented
I agree strongly, especially with the old school visionary plans... 500+ folders for 6 companies, I have been out of colors for a while.
Robin Li commented
This is a very minor thing, but I would love to have more colours available. Dark green and red would be especially nice.
I'm running out of colours, and to my slightly obsessive mind not having the right colour for a label is irritating.
Andrew Phillips commented
This is important to me. As the executive director of a nonprofit, my job description (and thus the variety of labels I use) is wide-ranging!
Anonymous commented
Please include more color options for folders and labels, whether they be custom colors or just a wider range of preset colors!
We could have used more folder/label colors in < version 5 but now in version 5 ( upgrade) we have even less folder/label colors.
My account looks like a cluttered mess as I have no idea what emails are in which folders.I also don't understand why they include the folder color next to a given message if you now only have 10 colors to choose from, it's an organizational nightmare.
Ana Rocha commented
Please give us more color options for folders and filters. This new color palette, after the redesign, is even more limited than the old one. The colors in my personal management system have meanings. My calendar is now all "messy" concerning my system. After the redesign, the red, yellow, and gray disappeared, for example. Also, honestly, the colors available are not pretty. Ideally, we could choose colors by color code (RGB, hex, etc.). But if it's not possible, at least give us more options and also come back with red, yellow and gray, please!!!! Thanks.
Crc Christian commented
Ability to change the colour of folders. After migrating from one protonmail account to another you have reassigned all my folder colours and now I cannot change them, this is hugely frustrating as it's mixed up all my folders. Assigning or changing folder colours is part of my filing system and really important for organising 1000s of emails. Please can you look into this.
Michał Fita commented
Moving from Google Mail more colours is a MUST!
Anonymous commented
More colors is very useful, for those who use labels a lot to organize email. Also, option to create custom colors and different colors for background color and text color would be nice, similar to how Gmail does it.
Fred commented
In previous versions, it was possible to define a colour for each folder. This feature seems to have disappeared.
David commented
It has my vote. What happened to my coloured folders? Seemingly removed in the June 2021 update. Aaaarrrggghhh, annoying! lol Please fix. Thank you
Tito Sciortino commented
In the current (non-beta) version of protonmail, the folders have colors. This is very helpful to me. In the beta version (the version that's part of the protondrive suite) the folder colors are gone. Please bring back the colors.
Anonymous commented
I love the new multicolor option for the labels but we need more colors. Everything is neutral or close in color scheme. I would like to have the option to have more than 3 folders. Unless you get more when you ungrade?
Mike B commented
A color wheel & HTML color codes would be really awesome as well...
Wil and Col commented
Please make the folder colours solid like in the regular version. It's much easier to distinguish when they are solid instead of just an outline. Thank you.
JJ commented
I like the beta version of Protonmail, but folder creation has been downgraded. Please revert to the strong folder colours of the original version, and replace the sort button. Thanks. Also nested folders would be great!
Jimmy Mellanis commented
I would like to have more folder colors available, and the ability to change the left column size draw it out or move it back as well as change the actual color of the web version email (has proton colors now)
Anonymous commented
Yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
D. commented
For those of us that need multiple labels and folders it's nice to have the option to choose custom colors. It gets messy having to reuse the same colors for different labels/folders. Gmail and other emails services offer this option and it's a life saver.
Anonymous commented
I like the mail-labeling system, but would like to have more color options because I'm using them quite excessively so more color options would ease out organizing them. For example different shades of grey, more variants of existing colors and perhaps black wouldn't propably mess up the overall color scheme of protonmail or the label-system.