Contact Search
Add the ability to search data within a contact, such as within Note field, as a standard search feature.

Bob Reckhow commented
With thousands of contacts from hundreds of different organizations and contexts, it is critical for me to be able to search by Organization, Note, URL, Location, and many possible other fields in the Contact record.
I need this feature ASAP, so I can begin the project of structuring my Contact items to be searchable in the ways that I need to be able to find them as I use Proton Contacts.
Damien Tribot Laspière commented
The search should also take into account the title of the contact in ordrer for instance to find all the doctors you have in your contacts when you don't remember his name.
Dominic Montreuil commented
Being able to search other fields than name is a must. The most important ones would be Organization and domain name parts of email addresses
MCLaMountain commented
Yes! This is a must
JD commented
Several of the other comments/postings are similar to this one. Try to consolidate all VOTES to just one posting.
As stated in the posting, please add capability to search all fields within the contact. Include all categories within the contact, such as, Display Name, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers, Addresses, and Other Information
Tyler Simonds commented
Definitely. An example for me would be under Organization. I know someone in GCN but cannot remember their name. I should be able to search GCN and have them come up in the search results. Thank you for suggesting!
Anonymous commented
When searching in Contacts, it would be helpful to have the search look at the 'Organization' field and return results... for example, if I have the Organization field filled in for a contact as ABC Company; I should be able to search ABC or ABC Company and that contact should be in my results...
It does not seem to do this today... would be great if it could be added.
Arno Muhren commented
Currently it is possible to search contacts using the filtering functionality. It would be nice if this functionality is integrated into the standard search functionality.