Enhanced Folder Functionality
Every other major (and many minor) email clients have hierarchical folders - organizing emails is not a discretionary function. Proton Mail should have:
Nested folders (critical)
Unlimited nesting (important) - a reasonable compromise would be 2 or 3 levels of nesting.
Drag n Drop sorting (critical)
Search options that reflect hierarchies (all folders / sub folders / this folder) (important)
Color inheritance (from the top-most folder in a group (not important)
I can't fully migrate off my other emails until this basic functionality is supported.

Wah commented
at least 1 or 2 more Folder SUB LEVELS required
C commented
Thank you.
I would add the possibility to expand/collapes folder trees in the mobile protonmail app (at least in Android I cannot collapse/expand folder trees)
MVR commented
I strongly support this request.
Having migrated 25+ years of mails incl. the folder structure used in previous mail clients it has become a hassle to manage emails in Proton Mail, as one’s former hierarchy has been flattened to 3 levels.
We badly need unlimited nested folder option. And we badly need folder search capability in the mobile app (it might be available for iOS app, I can’t say).Proton, please. This has been requested for years now. The current 3-level structure available is not enough.
Luca commented
There has been progress on this but it's still extremely rudimentary. I recorded a video of how excruciating it is to do something as basic as re-ordering folders: https://imgur.com/a/Q1MEoDt (one minute to reorder two folders AND IT DIDNT EVEN WORK). I'm at the point that I went into the browser console to fake API calls instead of doing it through the UI...
Fritz commented
Literally since the dawn of POP email I have been able to create folder hierarchy structures well beyond 3 levels. It's patently absurd that in 2023 I have to operate within that shallow 3 folder level structure.
Add to that insult the injury of the lousy implementation of webmail folder management - which will test the limits of ones patience.
Oh the price one must pay (lost time and money) to achieve email privacy.
This doesn't seem to be a pressing matter as I note the other comments are dated January and June of 2019.
I suppose the next time I need to move a new folder up three screen heights to its proper alphanumeric position... maybe I should instead cut my losses and spend that time looking for a better email application.
Anonymous commented
I agree. Subfolders/Subdirectories are a critical component in email service. On 2019/06/04 I asked Proton Support about this and here was their reply:
Unfortunately, the subfolder feature is not available to any subscription.
We are currently working on developing this and implementing it in one of our future updates."Its good to know they are working on this long overdue issue, and hopefully it will get done soon. They must be losing a lot of money for the exact reason you described about not being able to switch or migrate other email account to Protonmail. I'm in the same situation and thousands of others may be as well. I'm sure there are many others that sign up for the free account, but won't become a paid subscriber because of this limitation.
Twilight commented
This website (uservoice.com) is based on voting for 1 feature per post. You will need to locate the current top-voted requests that already exist for some of the items on your list, add your own vote (1 to 3 votes per item as you wish to spend yours) and then add the remainder separately as new requests, if any have not already been requested.
I didn't decide that they should do it this way, I am just letting you know how to get your well-thought-out requests the best chance of being implemented.