PGP Smartcard Support
A moderately happy plus subscriber, however i was disappointed to find i cannot use my own PGP keys that i have stored on my YubiKey. I would hope at the very least in future i will be able to use the ProtonMail Bridge and have it allow me to insert my own PGP encrypted messages with my own keys using GPG4Win without throwing me a 554 error.
Other ideas for this area:
- Support PGP smartcards
- Allow plain IMAP connections to ProtonMail so that i can use my own mail client and handle my own encryption
- Allow integration with ProtonMail and OpenKeychain on Android
- Allow users to have more control over the encryption options in ProtonMail and the ProtonMail Bridge.
I understand the way everything is designed right now for ease of use especially for new comers. However i have found the lack of flexibility disappointing as i am unable to use my existing PGP keys without a great deal of effort.
I hope that this can be improved in the future.

Ash commented
I'd really love to see SmartCard and OpenKeyChain integration
Taavi commented
ProtonMail also does not let you upload and use just the hardware-stored keypair's public key, which is very tedious.
zhiyan114 commented
+1 All of my GPG crypto operation are done on my smart card. The physical key file are securely locked away and only to be used when importing to a new smart card.
There's absolutely no reason to upload your GPG key considering software like gpg4win has a browser integration already (for web mail).
Lilith commented
While it is nice that proton manages my pgp keys for me, I'd like the option to use keys that remain on my machine.
For this purpose, I propose that email addresses can be configured to be unencrypted by proton and directly accessible via SMTP / IMAP (without using the bridge). Then users can simply use whatever encryption they wish, built into their email client.
From a security perspective, I'd like to trust proton as little as possible. With the current model you store encrypted emails and the keys to decrypt them. I would like to store these keys myself, at least for some email addresses with higher security requirements.
Andre Renard commented
I think this would be a great feature to add. Even if it just worked in one of these areas (bridge/web/smartphone) it would add an excellent layer of extra security when needed.