Profile Pictures
Please make pfp's for us...

Blue commented
This would be cool, but my vote is for the engineering cycles to focus on feature parity and cohesion parity with Google Suite tools. I think a profile feature is inevitable, but maybe we should stay focused on making the tools usable for professionals first? For example, not a single person in my company of 1000's could use Proton Calendar for this single reason alone:
Grace Joy T Perea commented
Also, would love to have a widget to add to my home screen.
Grace Joy T Perea commented
Yes, please! When will this be available?!
Ryan commented
Yes, this is a must have. While I get, ProtonMail is about privacy and many people probably won’t want a picture of themselves, when using the service for business emails it can assist clients when they see a picture that represents the account instead of a blank profile picture.
Megilhir commented
I also want to see the profile pictures on the emails that I receive.
Amber Adams commented
Profile Pictures is an awesome idea. Perhaps implement it so the recipient sees your Profile Pictures.
lou commented
pfp's plssss <3333 if some ppl don't wanna add pictures they can choose not to!! i beg of uuuu :O
Anonymous commented
"responding to faceless emails" -- I didn't realize this is a thing. Are people referring to sending emails to other Protonmail users? Gmail users? Curious about this feature.
E.E. commented
can we add profile pictures. love your service :)
KT commented
hey! What If We can add a Profile Picture to our account!
Moonspace Studios RB commented
I would Love Profile pictures
Anonymous commented
This is an option. You do not have to upload a picture if you do not want to.
Having the option is always a plus -
John commented
Wish I could downvote suggestions
Anonymous commented
Whenever I send mail to someone using protonmail it looks so unprofessional because there is not any profile picture. As a result, most of the people are discouraged to open that mail.
Anonymous commented
This is a very stupid feature because protonmail is a privacy company. Adding pictures would give proton more sensitive data to store and could deanonymize the users. Do not implement this dumb feature.
Spencer Churchill commented
I agree! I personally think it's strange to respond to faceless emails, so I think others feel the same.
Matthew commented
That is one big thing that Protonmail needs... PROFILE PICTURES!!!
LucyB commented
This is frustrating as a profile picture sets character and adds a personal touch, it is not really something data sensitive as ccttv cameras are everywhere including AI face recognition. Christ it’s how people unlock their phones now.
A profile pic is not much to ask for.
Anonymous commented
add porfile picture to account, i'm a bit OCD but still the interface could use a little more color than a blank profile pic
Lokio commented
Yeah, hurry up and allow us to add our own unique profile picture, for crying out loud! I only just signed up with ProtonMail 2 hours ago, and the very first thing I looked for after speed reading through the 3 default emails, is how in the world do I create a profile picture? This really sucks if I cannot generate a profile picture to decorate my page. Having a profile picture is very important. It reveals character and personality. If you want me to upgrade to a paid account, then the least you could do is allow profile pictures into the mix. Now that I've learnt that adding profile pictures is a no go, I now wonder if it's possible to move all my Gmail emails over to ProtonMail? At the moment, I receive over 80 emails flooding into my inbox on a daily basis from various health websites. I would like to know if it's possible to stop the flow of traffic from entering my Gmail account, and have it all diverted into my newly created ProtonMail account? Please don't tell me that in order to do this, that I would first be required to unsubscribe them from my Gmail, then manually resubscribe each and every one of them back into my ProtonMail. Crikey! What a hassle that would be. But if that's what it comes down to, then so be it. I suppose anything's better than relying on a shadow email service that secretly spies on, corona censors, and sells all your data to the highest psychopathic corporate criminal bidder.