Reading pane on iPad
The ability to add a reading pane in the iPad app to see the email list and current email side by side, like on browser.
I use more then the protonmail app on my iPad because in the browser it allows to view the reading pane, where on the app you can only view either the email list or the current email
Reptile commented
I would also welcome an updated iPad app with a column. Shouldn't be that hard.
Kevin W Herron commented
Another bump for this effort; the iPad app really needs to look more like the window of a desktop browser vice an adapted iPhone screen.
Fyreous commented
This feature would be essential to making the iPad experience worth it. Most other email readers on the iPad can do two-column layouts. Once this feature comes I will definitely get Unlimited, but the lack of it is holding me back right now.
A commented
Still hoping for this!