Greater file size capacity for sending emails
I can only send 3-5 photos maximum per email; for somebody who wants to share photos via email, this is completely unfeasible. A much larger attachment capacity seems greatly needed.

Anonymous commented
This is important, but less important if you are able to implement this feature with Proton Drive:
Vivian Z. commented
To support large attachment
Mark Gardner commented
critiqueboutique, sweetie, today I had to send a photo-heavy mulitpage PDF that was 26 MB. We’re not all using this for holiday snaps—some of us have work to do.
Mark Gardner commented
As ohoh suggested above, large attachments should be automatically converted into Proton Drive uploads and then append the links to those Proton Drive files to the message rather than attaching the files directly.
You would have to add a step for the user to select an optional password (just as one does when sending an encrypted message to a non-ProtonMail/PGP user) and an expiration date for the links.
ohoh commented
The limit should not be increased, but there could be an option to share larger files via a ProtonDrive link in the email.
Jonathan commented
I think this a limitation of email in general, not Proton mail
Morbius commented
Isn't this one of the uses for ProtonDrive? I wouldn't cry about larger options, even in paid tiers. But I don't think it's required. Linking pictures from ProtonDrive is the better way.
critiqueboutique commented
25 MB per email is plenty, and many email providers will reject larger emails. maybe resize your pictures before sending them, the recipient probably doesn't need 100 megapixel photos to print on a billboard.