"Pin" starred messages on top
Both Outlook (through its pining feature) and GMail (with its priority inbox) allow users to have important messages "pinned" on top of the inbox.
This is a very useful feature to mark emails that need attention through a first quick pass before addressing them one by one without missing anything.
In ProtonMail, what I would like to see is an aggregation of starred messages at the top of the Inbox, i.e., as soon as I mark a message as "starred", it should be listed at the top along with other (non-archived) starred messages before regular messages. Once a starred message is archived, it should not be listed in the inbox anymore.
Even better, having that same feature (possibly as a feature that can be enabled/disabled) apply to other folders (archive, sent messages) would be awesome.
Arguably, starred conversations are the most important ones in our mailboxes, and having a way to quickly and conveniently access them is key to improve usability. Having this feature consistently implemented across all folders in ProtonMail would make it stand out from the competition in that regard.

Rather Naught commented
Canary mail client also does this well. I used it regularly to track upcoming reservations, or online purchases that have yet to be delivered. I would love to be able to pin important messages in the Proton mail client!