Dissociate / Transfert an alias from a Proton Mail Account to anorher one
Be able to extract an alias from a Proton Mail Account and associate it to another Proton Mail Account (already existing or to be created).
Alternative : Be able to access by password the mails linked to one alias but not the other alias of the Mail Accounts. My problem is that I want to share my alias to different users (typical contact@company.com) but I don't wznt these users to habr access to my password or the mails received from the other alias.
EXample : My Proton Mail Account has 3 alias : original.alias@protonmail.com alias2@protonmail.com alias3@pm.me
I want to be able to use alias2@protonmail.com to annother Proton Mail Account or be able to access to this alias wirh a different password and see only the mails received of this alias.Goal is to share this alias with different Proton Mail Users without giving my original password (that allows access to the 3 alias) to the other userd.
Marc-Antone Lapierre commented
Be able to switch alias for one person to another, it's critical for must Business. If a role in the company change hand it more convenient to just switch the alias. Actually, we need to alter complete account, that problematic.
Be able to share an alias, it's even better. It's seen to me more complex to implement, but steel very useful.