AI supported Email Summary and Generation
With increasing productivity gain of AI, Proton needs to find a way to integrate AI for:
1. Summarize my email
2. Generate an email with xyz kind of tasks
3. Auto Categorize Emais
We want Proton to be the universal email application for everything.
Henry Dyck commented
I totally agree, they have filtering already, but there just isn't a good way for me to think of key words to filter everything. I think they could run the Ai on graphics cards or ram only that way noting is saved. Defiantly need this feature.
Steve commented
I cant believe this isnt standard already. We have had AI for a couple of years now and alot of email providers are now including AI email generation and re-writing support. This should be a priority to impliment i would have thought in order to stay relevent against competitors and prevent people transfering over to suppliers that have this already.