Disable or delay tooltips
The current Tooltip feature should have an option to either completely disable it, or to set a delay before the tooltip pops up.
Currently, when I select emails to delete and then move my cursor up towards the Delete button, this tooltip pops up INSTANTLY when my mouse touches the box to select all, blocking access to the Delete button.
So I regularly have to move past the tooltip and wait for it to go away before I can click delete. This introduces "lag" in the action of selecting and deleting emails, something done on a frequent basis.
If you could set a delay of, say 3 seconds, then you would have to hover over a button or control for a few seconds before the tooltip appears (how many applications handle tooltips) and it would prevent this from being such a PITA. Or, give users the option to disable tooltips all together.
Some users who have been using the application for years don't really need tooltips anymore.

Jeremy commented
Why do I need tooltips after using the same software for three years?! This is completely infuriating!
JC commented
YESSSSS. This is so annoying! Give us the option to disable this nuisance, please!
Troy commented
I wish I had a magic button to remove all tooltips from every interface I use.
Jeremy commented
Completely agree. I know what all the buttons do, so please make this an option.