Make unsubscribe work with SimpleLogin
The current implementation of the "unsubscribe from mailing list" does not cooperate with emails forwarded from SimpleLogin. It currently sends a request to unsubscribe to "" <image>. I think it would be nice if it instead made a reverse alias and actually sent the unsubscribe message to the email address that SL forwarded it from.

Jason commented
I asked the proton team over Twitter about a year and a half ago, and still nothing. Any update on this?
Rockyjoe commented
With SimpleLogin we now get aliases at our disposal to hide our real address.
There are cases where a user may want to keep the alias active but stopped to be bothered by maillists. Then, by clicking on the unsubscribe button the email to be sent is always sent from the main email address and not from the SimpleLogin alias. It would be good to have such an option so that we can keep the main ProtonMail email address hidden.